5.5 nano tank.

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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2012
Vancouver, Washington

The screen is temp. Till I can make the top. It's to keep the cats out of the water. But that's 10lbs of live rock in it.

No I'm unsure what this is I'm hoping its not a coral of some sort. Cause the tank still needs to cycle. And I don't want the little guy to die. So if that's what it is, can anyone tell me what I can do to keep it strong till after the tank is done cycling. Or if its going to even effect it.

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Aiptasia... Get rid of it now and don't do it in the tank as they multiply if you threaten them. Pull the rock and cut it off with a little of the rock still attached and toss it. Keep an eye out for more. Usually where there is one there are more.
Ok I'm taking the rock it came on out. I hope it didn't spread already. This thing sounds like a nightmare to any newbie to the hobby. And it Sounds like I got it coming to me. Damn.

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Ok with just lighter and that won't harm the tank if I put the rock back in it. I'd hate to get rid of it. Cause it has a lot of coralline algae on it. And some really dark purple stuff on it

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Aiptasia is a little pest anemone. They multiply like rabbits especially when threatened! "Hit and miss" with them is more like hit and multiply! They have shrimp, fish etc that will eat them, but if there's just that one I'd pull that little rock out yo be safe if you aren't sure how to kill it. You can scrape the coralline off of the rock and toss the shavings in the tank. It will help distribute it yo the other rocks as well.

Good luck! :)

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Lol yeah I think it stung my f8 puffer. I think It's going to die. Cause the current in The tank is pushing it around

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I like how you say good luck. Like ha ha ha. Newbies @ Krish..... And yes the puffer died. And I'm pretty sure the anemone got it. Since I read up on them and they do sting with a toxin when threaten

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Ok with just lighter and that won't harm the tank if I put the rock back in it. I'd hate to get rid of it. Cause it has a lot of coralline algae on it. And some really dark purple stuff on it

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take the rock out, burn the aiptasia with a lighter, scrub that spot with a brush and put back in your tank. Problem solved. I had a bad out break a year or so a go and did this to about 50 plus on my rocks and have yet to see them come back.
Ok I'm doing that but now I have another concern. I can't even get a good picture of it. But it has a stalk that is clear with a slight pink tent to it. Clear tentacles with white clear dots on them. Please don't tell me this is another form of aipstia

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Ok I'm doing that but now I have another concern. I can't even get a good picture of it. But it has a stalk that is clear with a slight pink tent to it. Clear tentacles with white clear dots on them. Please don't tell me this is another form of aipstia

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Does it look something like this?

Strawberry Nem.jpg

If that's what you have, then it's not a nuisance. They are nocturnal anemones, and will multiply well under good tank conditions. Harmless, AND nifty looking!
That is exactly what it looks like. They are all closed up during the day. But at night the open up a lot. I would say about a 1/2" in diameter.

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That is exactly what it looks like. They are all closed up during the day. But at night the open up a lot. I would say about a 1/2" in diameter.

HTC EVO tapatalk

Yeah, those bad boys are nocturnal and definitely get HUGE. Wait till they start sprouting off baby buds! I had a huge, football-size piece of LR in a tank once, and the entire backside was covered in these little nems. You can immagine what it looked like at night!
I bet. They look cool just the couple I have. I'm more worried about catching aiptasia. I have seen one that I'm.going to torch tonight

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