55g in wall setup

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Designer Reef
Aug 22, 2007
Well, I'm taking my 180g tank down and I thought that I was going to take some time off, but then I realized that just wasn't going to happen. So, I had everything from my old 55g setup so I set it up to day and put it in the wall. I put up curtains to cover top and bottom until I get around to finishing it. I will have it up and running by tomorrow. Here are a couple pics of what I started with to now. I started all this this morning!

Whole in the wall with the framing for the tank.

Tank in the wall with the curtains to cover!
Well, I had the time and all the stuff so why not! I got the plumbing mostly done, just need to wait for the big tank to get taken down so I can get the skimmer off of it.
Here is the tank all setup. I drilled it the other day, so skimmer and other equipment is below. It turned out pretty nice. It makes getting rid of the larger tank much easier when you still have a tank.

Just my old current duel satellite power compact. Not my first choice, but I had it on hand.
Thanks guys. It's still pretty cloudy, but it'll clear up in a few days. I'm going to be ordering my UV unit for it within the next few days. I'm using the MSX250 skimmer from my other tank, which I thought would be overkill, but it's skimming great! I'm using two hydro K'2s for circulation, I might add another, and then just a maxijet 1200 for my return. The pinkbar goby and pistol shrimp are doing great and all corals are opened and looking good.
I'm running two K2's atm aswell. I'm thinking in the near future about getting a K3 and moving one of my K2s to the side opposite of where my HOB refugium is and replacing it with the K3. But i've always been about MORE FLOW, even since the cichlid days.
Here is our newest additions. Pair of Picasso Clownfish. We got them from Barbie today!


Ya, the clowns are pretty nice! Everything in the tank is coming along nicely! I forgot how fast I can fill this thing up! Future plans are pretty simple, increase lighting to T5's and start to turn tank into sps tank. I have about 3,000gph in the tank curently, and I left plenty of room for corals to grow. For fish, I'm not real sure what I'm going to do. I want to stay with more rare fish in this tank, which will cause me to add them real slow due to the cost! Right now my fish list is a Pink Bar Goby paired with a Tiger Pistol Shrimp and the two Picasso's. I was thinking about doing a mini carpet anemone, but I'm not sure! If anyone has any ideas let me know.