55g in wall setup

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wow, that's a HUGE skimmer! Must have been from the 180? That thing looks like it holds the majority of the water volume in the sump.

Ya, that's the one that I had on my 180. It's an MSX 250. Prett beafy for the 50, but you can see the collection cup, and that's only about 2-3 days worth. It barley fits in the sump...quite funny to see!
Here is a FTS with another month added to the tank. Not much has changed in the tank besides the small pair of Blue Jaws.

Thanks Jake!

The flow is good. I had to knock it down a little cuz the cadycanes and frogspawns were receeding. So I'm at about 4500 gph. The gyre effect for the most part keeps the sand super clean so that's real nice.