6-line wrasse... DEAD

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2008
Alki Beach, Seattle
So my 6line is found dead today, but I have no idea what killed him. Ive only had him for about 5 days got him from Blue Sierra on Tuesday. He was looking fine and swimming all around yesterday. Heres whats in my tank

1 yellowtail damsel
2 clown
1 barber goby
1 pistol shrimp (which hates the barbershop and vice/versa)
1 porceline crab

thats it. Maybe he got sick real fast?? Maybe he commited suicide?? He was talking about killing himself, but I didnt think he was serious.

Kinda sux especially the sign at Blue Sierra saying "no guarantee on saltwater fish." Guess I wont be going there again../
Can happen unfortunately!! How did you go about acclimating him?
So my 6line is found dead today, but I have no idea what killed him. Ive only had him for about 5 days got him from Blue Sierra on Tuesday. He was looking fine and swimming all around yesterday. Heres whats in my tank

1 yellowtail damsel
2 clown
1 barber goby
1 pistol shrimp (which hates the barbershop and vice/versa)
1 porceline crab

thats it. Maybe he got sick real fast?? Maybe he commited suicide?? He was talking about killing himself, but I didnt think he was serious.

Kinda sux especially the sign at Blue Sierra saying "no guarantee on saltwater fish." Guess I wont be going there again../

First off I'm sorry to hear about your loss... it's never a good feeling to lose any fish.

But, I think it's unfair to call out Blue Sierra like this... you were aware of their policy and you took the risk. Now if Blue Sierra had a 5 day guarantee, or you could prove they sold you a sick fish on purpose, then I'd say you have room to vent, but as of right now I don't see any proof. We need more details on the environment, and acclimation process you have in place. Are any of your other fish sick?
Sorry, I didnt mean to call out Blue Sierra, I bought a clown there, plus alot of other stuff and am very happy with that. I have a friend that said I should stop by there and was in the area, so I did.

I drip acclimated for a couple hrs, He seemed happy the whole time until he turned up dead. My other fish all look great. Thats why I think something got him, because he didnt look sick at all.

Has anyone ever heard of a psycho pistol shrimp?? Mine might be. I lost my cleaner shrimp a couple weeks ago. I dont know what happened to him either, but it was over the holiday so who knows. And he scares away the barbershop everytime it gets near him. But I dont see anyway a shrimp is going to hurt a 6line...

I have a 45 gallon tank, 10 gal sump, and running a canister with nothing in it at the moment (mostly for water movement) My nitrate/rite are both at zero and everything else looks good.

Edit PH 8.4 Alk a little high 2.9-3.6 range, not sure if that could do anything??
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To start with, I think you'll find that most LFS do not have any guarantee on Saltwater fish. Even big box stores that have guarantees on freshwater fish don't have them on SW fish.

I highly doubt any of the other animals in your tank killed your 6 lined wrasse. If anything, it'd be the other way around. Sometimes fish just die, at no fault. This is especially true with newly introduced fish. This is one reason it's so important to implement a QT period. This will allow the fish to acclimate to your water and tank conditions WITHOUT the added stress of being introduced to an established tank with other fish in it and having to fend for territory all of the sudden. QT allows your fish to acclimate to your water condition...and then acclimate to your display tank, instead of having to make both adjustments at once.
To start with, I think you'll find that most LFS do not have any guarantee on Saltwater fish. Even big box stores that have guarantees on freshwater fish don't have them on SW fish.

I highly doubt any of the other animals in your tank killed your 6 lined wrasse. If anything, it'd be the other way around. Sometimes fish just die, at no fault. This is especially true with newly introduced fish. This is one reason it's so important to implement a QT period. This will allow the fish to acclimate to your water and tank conditions WITHOUT the added stress of being introduced to an established tank with other fish in it and having to fend for territory all of the sudden. QT allows your fish to acclimate to your water condition...and then acclimate to your display tank, instead of having to make both adjustments at once.

I agree with this 100%. There is always risk when introducing new fish, but at the same time we have the knowledge and tools to help improve new additions to our reefs. IMO a QT is a must have for new corals and fish. I hope you have better luck next time around!
Yes your right. Wierd though he seemed to not care about any other fish, and everyone left him alone. I had tons of places for him to hide too.

One other thing that just happened which is different,
I saw my pistol for the 1st time ever with the light on (well at least his body I see his antena all the time). He seemed to be digging a new hole right next to his old one. And my porcelain crab was in his old one? Then now I just looked and the porc took over the new one he just dug? Maybe my pistol is not a psycho after all, just a weenie!

Is he really scared of a filterfeeder? The crabs half the size of him too. We'll see what happens.

Hey Red Sea I bought the barbershop goby from you!
I agree and disagree with alot of info here(let's get some controversy goin). First off i don't believe in quarantine!!!!!!!!!!
Your hex wrasse must have had a prob at the start if your water parameters and acclimation were all good, my emporer angel died after two weeks and i have put it down to CYANIDE!!!
My moorish idol is happy after one year and six months tomorow with no quarantine(which i believe just adds stress) so i think it all starts how the fish coped with transport in the first place!!

im sorry im reading this laughing... not at the fish dieing, but the reply's.

1.5yrs on a fish's life, is nothing to brag about... 15 years is 20 years. look at paul, he's had some fish for almost 30 years. With out detailed info on the system. perameters of the water it left, and the water it enterd, were all pissing in the wind.

the point of a Qt, is simply to stop unwanted things entering your confined system.
a single fish, or anything wet from anther system has the potential to have meny different types of bacteria or pathogens. Some will effect fish others will effect coarl.

Have a tank for 2 years isnt saying much.. the name of the game is zero death. not "i have money and can/feel alright buying fish to replace fish"

your success with reefing is based, on the longevity of your inhabitants, Think of them as your Dog.

going back to the dead wrasse.... damn im sorry to hear this... 5 days eh? did he eat? did you feed him? did you notice anything in your tank change?

on the other note, when you add a single fish 2 a system, large or small... there are immediate and long term changes that are going to acure

hypothetical speaking the wrasse, had something on it.. a bacteria infection of the gills, you couldn't see when u got it.... the fish was introduced 2 a system.. that was more favorably for this bacteria to grow.... and less favorably for the fish 2 live.

so the bacteria had its way killing its host and being released in 2 your system after death. now putting the rest of your fish at risk....

qt is protection, not useless

sooner or later people always come 2 understand why a QT is importent
QT is always a good thing IF YOU HAVE THE EXTRA TANK!
Some dont have a QT setup!
I always like top buy fish from a GOOD source and even at that noone can say for sure!
I don't hasve a qt tank and haven't qted a fish yet!
The only one that died was the clown I got at a moments notice that had something wrong with it after bringing it home!
I like to put a hold on fish for a week or two if the store lets me and check up on it a few times befor I bring it home and watch it eat and what not!!
Still not QT but better than nothing!
Your IDOL is a brut!
He's made it threw the move and everything!
Your sytstem is spot on and that thing will live for years!!

I don't hasve a qt tank and haven't qted a fish yet!

You will rethink that when you bring home a good looking fish and put it in your display tank and a few days later fish start coming up sick.
Hopefully it will never happen, but it can. Many of us know this from personal experince.

It is so easy to pick up a old used 20 gallon tank and have it sitting dry somewhere, waiting... Plus it is so easy to have a small sponge filter or small back filter somewhere in our main systems. ( I keep a sponge filter running in my sump on my main tank). Add a small heater, a flowerpot, large dia. pvc or any other container to provide cover.
We spend $40 - $50 for a single fish, you could spend less than that for a qt tank.

alki sorry about your wrasse.
You will rethink that when you bring home a good looking fish and put it in your display tank and a few days later fish start coming up sick.
Hopefully it will never happen, but it can. Many of us know this from personal experince.

It is so easy to pick up a old used 20 gallon tank and have it sitting dry somewhere, waiting... Plus it is so easy to have a small sponge filter or small back filter somewhere in our main systems. ( I keep a sponge filter running in my sump on my main tank). Add a small heater, a flowerpot, large dia. pvc or any other container to provide cover.
We spend $40 - $50 for a single fish, you could spend less than that for a qt tank.

alki sorry about your wrasse.
ditto, the same goes for coral as well. ive lost several zoa's and almost lost some montis because i didn't qt corals or even dip them
Yes I def like the QT idea. I just hadn't done it mainly becausse laziness and Ive never done it before.. Especially when the tank has so much other stuff that I dont want to get sick.
Yes I def like the QT idea. I just hadn't done it mainly becausse laziness and Ive never done it before.. Especially when the tank has so much other stuff that I dont want to get sick.

beleive me i learned the hard way
while were on this subject, how long do they need to be QT? Can they be in just a heated tank with water changes? Or do they need current? I have a air stone bubbler in my extra water could I use one of those or do I need a power head??