70W MH on a 45 Gallon?

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Feb 5, 2008
I have a 45 gallon tank 26" x 20" x 20", with a 70 watt MH. The light is an icecap spotlight with the Iwasaki 6500K bulb. I was originally going to use this setup for a freshwater planted tank but am now considering a reef setup. I'm not interested in high light SPS or clams. So, is this sufficient for medium light soft corals, leathers, and mushrooms? Thanks!
Yup, I think your right on track, 65K should produce good numbers on a small MH like that. You could add fluorescents like T5's & do well also!
thanks for the quick reply. I might try to supplement with some actinic lighting, but I'd have to get creative. It is an open top tank and that spotlight pendant doesn't give any room to add anything.
I have a 45 gallon tank ...with a 70 watt MH. !

I'm new too, I would assume it's ok for "most" soft corals ect....

but I've been told to have 3w/Gal
probably not enough for most high end stuff, including anenomies ect...

good luck
Take us some Pictures, maybe we can make a few suggestion or at least check out your tank:)
I do think you could add more lighting but just starting out, I'd use what I have & try to get it going & improve from there.
Thanks for the great feedback. I haven't a digital camera --I have a few things to buy first, like a powerhead and protein skimmer. But when I get the rest of the gear I'll borrow my friend's and start a thread.
dont skimp out in attempt to get your tank up and runing..

wait, plan, spend the money right.. or you will be doing it twice, and it will be $#$#$ down the drain.
I don't skimp. The icecap pendant spotlight is one of the best on the market. The tank is a rimless with starphire glass. The other components will be of equal quality. I very much agree with you about doing it right the first time. This will be my "dream tank."
If you were considering purchasing this light I would say definitely go bigger. Even if you're not planning on having SPS chances are sooner or later you'll see some that you just MUST have and you'll be upgrading your lighting. However, since you already have the light this should be a good way to save some money for now. The only thing that occurs to me is that with a 6500k bulb you might find that your fish and corals don't "pop" the way they do in other peoples tanks and at some LFSs due to the lack of blue. This is why alot of people run higher kelvin bulbs (as high as 20000k) or suppliment with actinics.
Yup, thanks for the feedback. I really don't feel a great need to go with SPS. Are they any superior or more beautiful than a low-moderate tank? However...I if do choose to go that way in a year or two I can always just change out the ballast and the bulb.
SPS is basically considered the "elite" level of reefkeeping. I have 90% softies in my tank with just 2 sps (green cap and green birdsnest) and a crocea clam. I am happy with my tank and love the way things sway in the current. they arent necessarily more beautiful but ARE more high maintenance.
sorry didnt mean to sound like i was talking down.... i just dont thing 70watt is enough for a 45...

i have out sunpod 70 on a 5.5g and now its on a 10g....

my 30g has 2x150..

i would be looking more for 2x150 or 1x250

are you sure you want your "dream tank" lite by a 70watt only?
From all that I've read and discussed with others, yea. For a low-moderate light mushroom and softie tank with no desire or need for higher light demanding SPS, yes. As is often stated, it depends on what you intend to keep. I don't feel a need to "keep my options open" for SPS. And like I said, if all goes well, in a year or two if I want to upgrade I'll buy the ballast and bulb for a 150 watt setup. I think this makes sense.

All the above advice is good. However, I think you will be a little light on Photons with a 17-or so inch water depth. With a little cleaver ingenuity on your part arranging your tank and placing higher light loving species at the top --- you should be fine.


"It has to be right, I read it somewhere!"


