75gal. setup

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Jul 13, 2006
berryville, va
this is what I would like to do with my 75 and 29 on hand....any ideas, comments, snickers etc on plumbing, pumps, lighting and anything else not known by me will be appreciated. I really dont have room under the stand for the fuge, and would like to eliminate as much noise from external pumps, filters etc. as possible. display will have an overflow box and return manifold when all is said and done....help, i'm losing my mind here!
how big is your sump...29g for the fuge is quite large..it looks larger than your sump in the pic....also, just to be sure we're on the same page, your tank is not drilled and you have a hang on overflow???? also, you can get a submersible pump for your sump...i have a 72g w/ a mag12 pump... it works perfect for that size tank
i havent gotten a sump yet....i want the fuge to be its own entity...another display, if you will. the tank is all glass. what i have now is the 75 and stand and a spare 29, so i am actually starting from scratch....any and all help is greatly appreciated. thanks, karl
alot of people have their fuge seperate and it works fine, but IMO, once you start plumbing things outside of your sump, it could be a flood waiting to happen....tubing could come loose...alot of things.....by the way, is your tank drilled or not???
i am not sure about the best hang on overflow...maybe someone else will help there..your tank is probably made of tempered glass which cannot be drilled....do you have a skimmer yet??? if not, what kind are you looking at???? you have to make sure your stand is high enough for some skimmers that sit in your sump
i dont have, but have been looking at ASM's,Precision Marines and also Octopus....which i've read some good reviews on. my main concern is the plumbing layout, along with pump configuration since the fuge will be independant from the tank other than the water. the stand for the main tank is DIY and has 21" of clearance inside....not much. i am open to any and all suggestions regarding my ideas.
yeah, that clearance is very low... i just bought an Octopus200...it is 25" tall....you may look into some short skimmers....i think that AQUA-C makes a short version also, could be wrong...
i will check into the possibilities....i may have to go another route( build taller stand...it came with the tank). i'm looking at all the avenues, but like this one because of the fuge also being a display.
Hi Karl! If you are looking for a hang on the tank overflow you can go with either a CPR overflow (which takes up the least amount of space in the tank http://www.premiumaquatics.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=CPROverflow ) or something like a Eshopps pre-filter http://www.premiumaquatics.com/Merc...PROD&Product_Code=ES-PF-300&Category_Code=MLA . How you have your drawing setup is fine if that is the way you want it setup. Some people will use a pump to pump from the sump (in your case) to the refugium and maybe have it gravity feed back down to the sump which will help circulate the water between the 2. That way, you can control the flow of water and not have to worry about something over flowing etc because whatever is pumped into the refugium from the sump, will only be returned. Just some food for thought:)
thanks krish, thats what i had in mind....what about pumps, i'll need two right? both of the same capacity? any suggestions? karl
Well, you'd need one for your return from your sump to the tank. The other one would be to pump water into the fuge which could be smaller. But, if you didn't want to use 2 pumps you could always "Y" the return pump and send however much gph you want to the main display (via a ball valve to control the flow) and send how ever much gph you wanted to the fuge. Either way, it would never affect the water level in the tank and sump because whatever is pumped into the tank will be returned into the sump at the same speed through the overfow and whatever is pumped into the fuge will do the same:)
thanks for the info....next, i'll be trying it on paper. i'm sure i'll have more inquiries in the near future...thanks again, karl