Make an fiber/epoxy 2x4 brace that you can screw/lag bolt on with either high grade stainless or titanium.
I will most likely just epoy some 2x4s, not sure fibergalssing would be needed.
Make an fiber/epoxy 2x4 brace that you can screw/lag bolt on with either high grade stainless or titanium.
I checked that out, but it has limits such as height and what not. I think I hit the maximum when I punched in the numbers. How tall is your tank again? It says it doesn't recommend something higher than 30" for plywood
What type of seal are you going to use to set the window in place? Do you or anyone else know if there is some kind of formula to use to find out how much force the wood can take? I know for an acrylic tank there is a formula to use to determine the thickness the material should be. There must be something like that for wood. At least I hope there is. Otherwise how would you know if your putting too much force on the sides? Especially with a tall tank such as this one. This is a question I've considered when thinking of a wooden tank.
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