9 Months In

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Here are probably the last photos you will see of my tank as being mostly just LR. I have decided to start popping a few things in there gradually and seeing how it goes. The tank is doing really well, parameters are great, and everything seems healthy (I had a little scare this week with a sort of cycle, but everything is straight now) So hopefully starting tomorrow, I will start off by adding some more zoo's first and as the water starts to warm up enough for me, then better things will be going in.

Here's a few shots of how my rocks have colored up and how the tank looks after 9 months...:)

Cool Krish, I cant wait to see it filling up. What are the odds of you finding a small piece of elkhorn that is washed up broken off and going to die anyway. Thats the only way I would collect it, and I know your the same. That sure would be cool to see it growing.
Cool Krish, I cant wait to see it filling up. What are the odds of you finding a small piece of elkhorn that is washed up broken off and going to die anyway. Thats the only way I would collect it, and I know your the same. That sure would be cool to see it growing.

Thanks Steve! Anything is possible here. Bad weather in shallow waters break off all kinds of stuff, people who can't drive boats and flip them over (sorry Andrew LOL) etc washes up all sorts of stuff. I may have to ask our local Government, if I can buy a small reef from them. Nothing big that will take away from there 700 islands worth of reefs(LOL)...Just about the size of maybe a 5 gal bucket. Think they'd go for it? I don't see why not man...It's for a good cause:) Atleast I'm not out there bleaching and breaking off crap!
you know for a moment i thought i was gonna get to see some unltrasound pictures from the baby !!:p.
you tank looks very pretty Krish... now let it get filled with goodies :D.
you know for a moment i thought i was gonna get to see some unltrasound pictures from the baby !!.
you tank looks very pretty Krish... now let it get filled with goodies .

LOL...That's jumping the gun Gabby...A few more months to go(LOL) Yeah, it's goody time. If anyone is interested in hanging out in the Bahamas helping me stock up on "wash-a-ways", just let me know...I'm sure when Rob gets here all I will hear is Ooooppsss! I guess you may as well throw this in your tank Krish since I accidentally knocked it off of that reef with this hammer and chisel!:lol:
LOL...That's jumping the gun Gabby...A few more months to go(LOL) Yeah, it's goody time. If anyone is interested in hanging out in the Bahamas helping me stock up on "wash-a-ways", just let me know...I'm sure when Rob gets here all I will hear is Ooooppsss! I guess you may as well throw this in your tank Krish since I accidentally knocked it off of that reef with this hammer and chisel!

ohh now i get it, you're gonna put Rob to work, poor guy he thinks he's going to relax and get drunk and instead he's going to be working for you.
krish75 said:
I'm sure when Rob gets here all I will hear is Ooooppsss! I guess you may as well throw this in your tank Krish since I accidentally knocked it off of that reef with this hammer and chisel!:lol:

LOL krish, your tank is awesome! Looking forward to seeing it fill up with critters and corals. Your tank is very "clean" looking. Mine looks so messy right now due to hair algae. I love clean tanks :rolleyes:
ohh now i get it, you're gonna put Rob to work, poor guy he thinks he's going to relax and get drunk and instead he's going to be working for you.

LOL...No, I'll actually be setting up a little tank for him all cycled for when he gets here to put his findings in. He coming at a kinda bad time because it is right around my wife's due date, but my wife said I can have a day off to play:)
LOL krish, your tank is awesome! Looking forward to seeing it fill up with critters and corals. Your tank is very "clean" looking. Mine looks so messy right now due to hair algae. I love clean tanks

Thanks Becky!....Just a little OCD helping me out to keep it clean!(LOL) I wonder why that isn't considered a form of tank maintenace or filtration:rolleyes: (LOL)
hmm i wonder what should i say about my tank :p hmm i love green :D .
ohh Krish my snail was using it's hair drier and making the hair look a little bit more funky, i wish i could have tanken a picture you'd have laugh.
Hmmm I have a little OCD too... wish the clean tank would tag along with that ;) My dwarf seahorse tanks look great.... I'll see how the weekly 50% water changes go....
hmm i wonder what should i say about my tank hmm i love green .
ohh Krish my snail was using it's hair drier and making the hair look a little bit more funky, i wish i could have tanken a picture you'd have laugh.

LOL...That snail rocks!:lol:

Hmmm I have a little OCD too... wish the clean tank would tag along with that My dwarf seahorse tanks look great.... I'll see how the weekly 50% water changes go....

LOL...OCD is cool sometimes, but then a pain other times. I wouldn't even get into how bad I have it here:lol: My wife cusses me all the time for stupid things I do.:D
LOL...That snail rocks!

LOL !!! i know :D, i mean it's really cute how it stand up on the powerhead's thingy:lol: (where the flow comes out:p you know what i'm tlaking about) and it's hair just gets all funkier while it's eating :D .
ahh whats ocd... cant figure it out
yeh hair algea sucks man? anyone know if it will ever recced in god waer quality of if changing all my rock and scrubing what i can is all i can do really brings down the aww factor of the tank but noobs thats see it dont seem to notice it just my huge goni going off in the current lol