A few more big Tanks in the process in Tri-Cities.

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HAHHAHA....man my horrible handwriting and artistic talents..

Ah well, that was after one drink. j/k..

The Clown whisper

I may have to get you to come back to the east side and have a sit down with My Tomato Clownfish (Amphiprion frenatus ) Ilham they are being very Bad and you guessed it The Female is the Problem! She keeps on pushing their Long Tentacle Anemone to the back of the Tank which has very poor light, I am currently trying to slow her down with adding more Rocks & Rubble we will see?

Elmo18 said:
HAHHAHA....man my horrible handwriting and artistic talents..

Ah well, that was after one drink. j/k..

Nice meeting you again Apprentice, thanks Ed for letting me glue my fingers together

Apprentice- Nice frags and great timing. I had to hold my breath on one of the glue trips down to the bottom of the tank. Also how long does it take for super glue to wear off your finger tips?:shock: :)
How did I miss your thread Ed? Oh, that's how, you hid it under the Club Forums. That's just not fair to the rest of the PSAS group that has been waiting for you to get this going. I just got tired of waiting and did a search of all your posts. Looks great so far! Now I want mine to grow up and be a 4x4x30:D
Come down and visit it. It is very simply set up with Tunzes. A dolphin 2100 return and two lights. A heater, a chiller, keep it simple method.
thanks for compliment. I hope to see you this week end.
I'm going to try to make out tomorrow, I just started my new career in Real Estate this past Monday and I have someone that wants to see some houses this weekend. So, I'll just have to play it by ear. Gotta make some money so I can get the big ball'r cube like you:p
Awsome System Ed!

Hey Ed that looks so sweet!
I bet you are still doing happy dances every time you look at it. :lol:
Hope to see ya again someday soon.
Take care.

Maui :D
I think you would do awesome in that field. I hope you can make it.
Sounds like the LFS in Poulsbo are having some super deals. I think people will be sorry if they miss this one.

Its good to hear from ya. I am still amazed its sitting there. I did a few Happy dances. I think it brings Aquariums luck.lol I hope to see you in Spokane soon, unless you are in the Tri-Cities. You are always welcome.

Heading to Poulsbo
Good to see you poking around

Hi Alberto have you reset up your Tank ? If so i would like a link to it That tank of yours is my Inspiration! I want to go with a 120" X 36" by 26" deep so bad :mad:

dgasmd said:
Tank looks great.
Nope. Haven't moved yet. I am waiting to sell my house before moving. Meantime, I rented an apartment where I started my new job, which is only about 1.5 hours away anyway. I come and go all the time in the meantime. Home sales have taken a slow down to almost a hault in FL as late, so it may still be a couple of more months before it sells. When it does, I will move it and document it again as moving something this large is not something done or seen frequently.

I don't want to derail this thread anymore, so back to the topic.................
Thank you Alberto

dgasmd said:
Tank looks great.
I appreciate your help earlier from RC. I am adding more Tunzes. My goal is to have two 6200's and two 6100s on the controller. . I have a extra controller now. I bought the other two Tunzes today.
Hoping to encourage others to get theirs going...

The coraline is starting to show more and more. Calcium reactor is in the shop. I am dosing. I am running two 400 watt 20 K bulbs also on my luminarc reflectors.
Mauisreef said:

75,000 mile tune up?

wrenching on a uniseal, I cracked the outside of cylinder a bit. I bought a new uniseal and acylic guy should have it done tomorrow. I replaced media, pump, covering all angles hopefully.

Is there more fish in there or is that reflections? Ahhh A new clam also? What is going on?:shock: Keep us dry tank people involved and updated, sheesh.
Congo said:

Is there more fish in there or is that reflections? Ahhh A new clam also? What is going on?:shock: Keep us dry tank people involved and updated, sheesh.
More fish, everything is doing good so far. Blue tang was upset for a day or two about 4 new pyramid butterflies. They are Buds now. Clam was a gift from Wife or maybe a gift for herself.
I got calcium reactor back. It still leaks, builder said it would be fixed. It goes back tomorrow morning to him. Nothing else to report.
My temps have been very stable(below 80 most the time) :) with 1/4 horse chiller and tunzes. So I am still crossing fingers hoping I do not need a larger chiller.