The hood automation system is finally in place. I'll be using the remote control 99% of the time to open and close the hood. There are buttons on the main control unit but it's located near the ceiling. I added additional terminals on that unit so that some time in the future, I can run wires to buttons on the main "control station" if you could call it that. There will be a dedicated panel there as an interface for the hood movement. For now, I'll use the remote. Here are two vides:
I am so stupidly busy either finishing up one project, starting another, or cleaning up after myself with this build. The videos aren't that good. I did take better video but I don't have the time to edit them together, remove a bunch of background noise, and make it professional.
If anyone has any questions, let me know. For now, I'm finishing up a small acrylic project to hold all of my extra long reefing tools for the extra deep tank. Maybe next weekend I can start on the woodwork for the hood. What you see in the videos is 1/8" acrylic with the paper backing still on. I'm lining the inside of the hood with those as a moisture barrier.