A Saga: Nikki's 120 gallon

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NaH2O said:
This was a saga all in its own......the long drive from St. Louis to Indy.......a story of a happy anemone now discovered to be splitting while taking it off the rock, with part of its foot under a zip tie.......the cutting of the zip tie and subsequent avalanche........the dinner.......a feverish child.......an acro crab hitchhiking on an encrusting montipora sp......the lugol's dip.......Nick's issues on the drive home. Whew!

At what level of the “Homelife Security Advisory System” were you under through this whole ordeal, Nikki? lol
Wow, never a dull moment is there.... :razz:
ROFL! I'm always the lowest warning level :D

Nick - I'm glad the anemone is making some progress in its split. About time - sheesh! If anything happens to the anemone, at least you drove 570 miles for a cool coffee mug :D .

I checked the monti tonight, and looks like there are polyps out, hope it's a good indication of surviving the lugols dip.
Oh yeah...how could I forget the cool coffee mug???? Jeff is a great guy. He unknowingly gave me a cool Yamaha motorcycle travel coffee cup...(I have a Yamaha cruiser, Jeff has a Yamaha dirt bike....good times for everyone!!)

BTW, that coffee came in handy when I wasnt dealing with psychotic truckers on 70... any truck drivers on the board...drive carefully in St Louis...some of your buddies messed it up by trying to run me off the road twice in one day in two seperate incidents...everyone Semi I pull over from now on gets a ticket, and some pointers on driving.

Exciting News

Woohoo! I'm thrilled about this purchase I made today. I found a place in the Chicago area called Rod's-Reef that captive breeds Black Onyx Percs. Well....since I am from a suburb of Chicago, I thought it would be perfect to drive up there, pick up a couple of clowns (who wants to wait for shipping?), and visit my family. I am very excited about these two fish. Both look great and are acclimating to temperature right now - I'll start the acclimation process to the tank in 10 or 15 minutes. One clown has a true bar and the other is a misbar, which will help if my daughter gives them names. I'll get some pics when they are acclimated to the tank in the next couple of days, provided nothing happens to them between now and then (knocking on wood). I'll have the closed loop off for the night, and turn it back on tomorrow.
nikki you just need to stop getting fish and spend that money on more Coral (j/k). Good find hopefully they will have babies.
Alright - I couldn't resist. After acclimating the clowns for 1.5 hours....they are in the tank. I did turn off the closed loop pump so they could rest comfortably tonight :rolleyes: . I also took a quick pic of them. The one on the left is smaller than the one on the right. They are stuck to each other like glue :) . I think they are quite beautiful. I'm also posting pics of the Magnificant Rabbitfish.....poor quality pics, but pics none the less. She is a great fish with a great personality.
Very pretty Nikki!!!!

I love the clowns, I like the misbar too. Looks like I know where my next fish are coming from!!
Its nice to Ariel actually has a color besides "Go-away-you-cant-see-me-I'm-hiding" black.

So do they have the black black ones? I am thinking of trading out my clowns. Also the foxface just has to go.
As they mature, they will hopefully have more black on them. Both parents were very black, except the orange face & fins. I considered getting the black and white ocellaris before I found these.
Oh - he ships, too :) ..... but I can't wait for something like that :D
A little update on my new additions. Thanks for the compliments on the clowns - I'm very happy with them. The little one wants to name them Jasmine and Aladdin, but I really don't want a Disney Themed tank (I already have Ariel).

The clowns are doing very well. They spent quite a bit of time towards the surface today, but by this evening they were in the middle of the water column. Swimming circles around each other, while the bigger one nudged the smaller one. It was great. The Rabbitfish, however, didn't seem too thrilled. She wasn't aggressive or anything, but was darting around the tank this morning. She spent some time in the area of the clowns and would raise her dorsal fin at them frequently. Then, while I was standing right there, she swam into the flow coming from one of the outputs, and it pinned her against the rocks. I don't know if she went into "freak out camouflage" mode saying, "I'm not moving because I'm a freak" or what, but I gave her about 5 seconds before I switched the ball valve. Once the flow was off, she swam away with only a mark on her side. It doesn't look bad or like it will be problematic, but I'll probably have to adjust the output slightly so it doesn't happen again. The rocks are in a different position because I did a slight reaquascape this weekend. When the anemeone was removed, a ziptie needed to be cut, which led to an avalanche. The scape is only slightly different, but I did not adjust the output to compensate for the change.

Anyway, the clowns seem to handle the flow fine, so I'm pleased with that. They are very pretty, and fun to watch.
Nikki...i have a regular fox face..and he will do his camo thing at weird times...never seems to make sense...not while my hand is in the tank moving stuff...but if you walk by the tank wrong...he freezes and you would swear he died...i thought he died too many times the first month but now i am used to his "fits" :)

glad to hear the tank and fish is doing well :)
What do you mean "Avalanche'?
I put everything back as close to how I found it as possible......
stupid zip ties.....

Thats kind of strange about the Foxface getting pinned against the rock though....I didnt think the flow was that intense.....
Not coming along as well as I'd like. I'm still dealing with pinched mantle in my clams, and performed an iodine dip tonight. On a positive note, I did manage to take a nice picture of my Magnificant Rabbitfish.


The clowns are doing fantastic, and all the fish appear to get along well. The rabbitfish always seems to be hanging around where the clowns are. She doesn't have her spines up or anything, but wherever the clowns are, you will usually find the rabbitfish. :D
Looks good Nikki. I like that photo It it a little grainy like you said, but thats due to you punching up the ISO to max...
Arial is much sharper in this image. Still not tack sharp, but thats probably not going to happen in your camera with how fast she swims....kinda like trying to take a sharp pic of my Tomini.

How are the clams?

Hi NIkki. You are lucky to be close to Rod. His Onyx strain of true perculas are breeding true in the babies as well.

This is one species i'd like to get wild and try to rear.

- Elmo