A Saga: Nikki's 120 gallon

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Shoot Steve I'm around just working ALL the time anymore. I'm loving what Nikki is up to, she's really got it going on.
Wow! Thanks everyone! I'm pleased with the progression, and am looking forward to getting this baby stocked up. Charlie - you are very generous!

Cheeks - the only other fish I have planned is a Purple Tang, but know I need to add him last. I'm trying to figure out what else I could add and have the tank remain comfortable for all inhabitants.

I forgot to mention this earlier.....several months ago I picked up a brand new 250W PFO HQI dual ballast for a steal, but haven't hooked it up yet. After having a conversation with Chuck, I decided to try out the Hamilton 14K bulbs with this particular ballast. Since my clams will be QT for a little while, one of the 250W ARO E-Ballasts and Ushio 10Ks will be on the QT, and I will put the PFO HQI ballast on the main tank with the Hamilton bulbs. I'll let you know what I think.
Tank is looking great! I think you will like them 14k bulbs I was using them on my 90gal when it was setup and they look great. I now use the 20k on my new tank but it is deeper and only running MH's. Good Luck Dave

Here's my latest update....although not much to update :)

I haven't decided on if I like the look of the 14K bulbs. I elected to put the PFO HQI ballast on the QT for the clams with the hamilton 14k bulb, and I feel like it is too blue. It has been on there for 3 or 4 weeks. I think I'll stick it on the main tank after I'm done with clam QT and see how I like it before I decide.

I went through a bout of HLLE with my tang. He seems to have recovered, minus a couple of marks on the head that seem to be going away. He is eating like food is going out of style. The Magnificant Foxface is not too thrilled with sharing food.....she follows him around the tank when the food is present. They have kind-of worked it out today - they're minding their own business for the most part. The tang never seemed too bothered by the foxface tagging along, but has shown her his spines on occasion. Because of this behavior between them, I don't think I will add another tang. I don't know what adding another algae eater would bring, and I'm not interested in a brawl. So...I'm contemplating other fish choices. Dispar Anthias? maybe a male and 2 females??

I look forward to adding some acros to the mini-beast. I am so amazed at the difference in algae. It is hardly there anymore. Coralline is growing like crazy on the back and bottom....which is great to see. Also, I'll be thrilled if my clams make it.....they have been through so much.

Anyway - that's it for my rambling.....Thanks to those that are still following the thread :D
Great to hear that things are coming along. I was having the sump/fuge drilled for my new set up and the glass broke on it. Oh well now I have a new 1/2 in acrylic side panel that I can out on it. :)

You have to post some updated pics for us to keep up.
Wow Nikki! Just read the complete thread on your tank and you have done awesome in getting this tank where it needs to be. I did not have as much trouble with my tank as you have had since we started pretty close together but we both seem to be on the right track now...

We are going to make it!!!! Johnny:)
Hi Nikki,
Sounds like the tang and foxface are just working out dominance issues with displays - no real aggression. They need to work out who's top dog before everyone can settle down peaceably. The foxface will probably end up being the biggest fish, so will eventually become top dog.

I'm curious is you put a powerhead across the front, and whether that seemed to help the algae clear up?
TG - I changed how the return comes into the tank when I added the UV Sterilizer. It now comes in on the front top right hand side and blows (pretty much) across the front of the tank. I also adjusted the top outputs to not blow so much directly on the rocks. I think your idea (slightly modified from the powerhead to adjusting my outputs) combined with adding critters to compete with the algae has really helped. Thanks for the insight also on the fish behavior, too. I love watching how they interact with each other. The little 6-line has been a trooper. He doesn't bother the shrimp at all (so far), and minds his own business for the most part.

LOL @ Nick and Jiddy

Angelscrx - sorry about the glass break! Sounds like you have it fixed up. I'll work on getting some pics....
Thanks - I hope they pull through their ordeal alright. I should be placing the smaller one back in the main tank today from QT. We'll see if the PM comes back.

Pics to follow.....
I'm so happy that you've gotten over the algae blues. Great news! Yeah, the wrasses are so cute!!!

Can you post a pic of the new setup (for the returns)?
Hi Nikki!,
I'm that guy you welcome in Don's workshop. I wish my wife and I have an ounce of your patience when we started our two tanks we wouldn't have lost some corals and several fish.We were just too excited to put everything up. At moment I'm trying to educate myself of the ins and out of the hobby.Good thing I found this site.You have a very good community going here.Got to go it will take me months to read all the threads in the forum!Have a nice day!

nikki i bet you feel a major sence of accomplishment, this tank has come along way... wonderful, wonderful read
Hi Nikki, we are starting on your sumps and I will post pics in the IAP forum. I bet you will be happy to get a proper filtration set-up going! Grats on the progress and I hope things continue to improve. :)
Thanks Brian! I look forward to the new sump. I think it will make my "under the tank" life much easier.

For those that are interested....what began happening with my current sump set-up....I was getting a lot of detritus settling under the skimmer, which defeats the purpose of my plumbing set-up in the tank (aid in removing detritus). My skimmer has to be set to a certain height of water, so it sits on a small acrylic table we made. Detritus comes in, settles under the table, and makes it near impossible to clean out without taking the skimmer out of the sump. The sump I came up with will have the skimmer in the next compartment, so when I do a water change I can siphon the detritus that collects in the first compartment. Also, the ease of use of filter socks will be greatly improved.

Not much new to report. I should have some new pics to take soon. I bought a small acro colony and also have some frags. They have been in QT for a couple of weeks now. I did treat the QT with interceptor, as there were several red bugs. I'm making an attempt to put them in the display today. After I get them in, I'll go ahead and take a couple of tank shots, and also update the pics of the plumbing change.