A Saga: Nikki's 120 gallon

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Quarantining a SPS colony may not be such a great idea for an extended period of time (almost 3 weeks). All the frags I had in there seem to be fine, but the acro colony started to RTN yesterday morning, and there was no saving it. All frags are now in the tank, and I tried to salvage what I could of the colony. By last night, all I had left was a little nub of a coral, that was RTNed by this morning. As soon as I get the coralline scraped off the tank again, I'll take a new pic with the corals.
Well - I have officially lost one of my clams (the smaller one) to Pinched Mantle. It has released its byssal gland, and fell backwards leaning on a rock. *sigh*
Sorry Nikki, what a bummer, I know you gave it everything you had to help it, I sure wish after all this we had a better way of preventing from any of this from happing. :(
Tom - it still has its mantle, however, it hasn't extended its mantle in over a week. I went to pull the clam out of the tank, but it closed up after it hit the air (no movement prior to removal), so I stuck it back in the tank. The fish were eating at the threads and byssal gland (since it was loose on the rock), and then it blew away with the flow.
bummer, i'm sorry about your clam Nikki....if it had any chance it was with you for all the time and care you put in..:(
Here are a couple of shots I took today. One from the front and one from the side of the tank. I have some corals in QT right now (had redbugs), so they are getting treated. Once I get them in the tank, I will update with more pics.

As you can see in the pic, I do still have some algae, I'm down to one clam, and that clam is not looking so hot anymore either :(

Tank at 13 months:


I have some pics of the corals that I'll get in here soon.
They've been in QT for one day, and I will do another treatment to make sure there aren't any stragglers left over from the first treatment. The second treatment will be tomorrow, and the corals will go in hopefully on Tuesday. :D
Looks great Nikki!!

I do miss the nice wavy green colors in your tank, though.... :badgrin:

Ah well, its not a forest now :D I see some really nice frags !

- Elmo
Tank looks great Nikki :exclaim: ...and your algae problem doesn't appear to be all that bad at all! A little sand would clear that right up ya know.... ;) :lol:
Lalalalalalalalalala......she cant hear you........Lalalalalalalalaallala........

Your Jedi mind tricks wont work on her.....


You dont have a algae problem!!!!!!, tanks looking great now make those corals grow will ya!!!!

Sprinkle a little sand in front of the tank for Mike will you??

Doesnt Carmella already ahve a sandbox??? Or is that the cats.....

:?: :?: :?: :?:


Thanks for the nice comments everyone :D. MikeS - I'll see what I can do about the sand for ya...hehehehe.

Well, one of the frags I had in QT RTNed today :(. I really didn't expect it to do very well, as it didn't look so hot when I took it out of the shipping box. The other pieces are doing well. I'll give them a couple more days to acclimate to the tank, then I'll take another pic.

Here are a couple of pics of corals I took the other day. Here is where you will see the algae.

This coral started out as a tiny frag, and was a nice brown color. It has since colored up very nicely, and grown well. I took a pic to try and get the tips:

Another Acro growing very well in the few weeks it has been in the tank:

This coral had redbugs on it when it came in. After treating in QT, I think this little guy is looking very well:

More to come....