A Saga: Nikki's 120 gallon

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Nikki there is another type of material other than egg crate. Its in the lighting section as well and its very thin with lots of tiny holes. It might work best and you can cut it as needed.
The ends of your intakes are flat. You can build an eggctate 5 sided box, just big enough to slip over the bulkhead flange. Drill and tap the ends of your intake to accept a 1/4-20 plastic screw. With a plastic thumb screw you can take the box on/off at will for cleaning.

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Awesome ideas. Thanks everyone :) Mac - I'll look at the lighting section to see if I can find what you're talking about. I would be interested in doing this with black egg crate. The thoughts on the fiberglass screen was just for a temporary solution (couple of days) until I could get things sorted. I wondered about how to attach egg crate - I like the screw idea.

The anemone looks amazingly normal this morning. I don't know what the deal is. I snapped a couple of pictures of what it looked like last night and I just took another pic, so if I get the little one to take a nap, I can post them then. I turned the closed loop back on, and turned the timer on, too. So far, the anemone hasn't moved at all.
Here are the pics of the anemone.

The first one is of the anemone prior to closed loop incident. What I love about this picture is it shows me how much my algae has died back since I took the picture. I guess that's a bonus.

The 2-4 are of the anemone when it was acting funky last night. I pointed out the area where I thought it was trying to split at. The 4th pic shows another shot of why I thought it was splitting.

The 5th shot is of today.

I will feel really silly if this was just a normal response to stress, and it wasn't going to split. It sure looked like it last night, but I have never seen an anemone split before. I understood that they look horrible when going through the process, but mine doesn't look too bad.
One more....

I've included this picture because my very fat Magnificant Rabbitfish is in the background. She swam over to see what I was doing and freaked out at the last second, so the bright yellow stripe on her nose is darkened. She has been a fantastic fish. I wish I could get a top down shot of her so you could see how thick her body is.
Thats a good looking anemone Nikki!!
I agree with Scooterman, it did look like it was splitting there, Maybe the stress wasnt quite enough to get it to split. You should have left it on the intake a little longer!!

Great thread and REALLY nice tank, Nikki! Seems like you were just building the stand for the first tank.
You also may want to look at gutter guard as an option too for protection. I've cut pieces to fit for my OF when I found a few critters had landed in the sump.
BTW, will you be attending IMAC this June?

XXX ;)
Hi Nikki
Your thread has been absolutely fascinating to follow along with. You’ve certainly gone through a lot of things that the majority of us have experienced one time or another. I think your system layout and appearance is simply fantastic! Thank you for sharing your journey! I envy your opportunity to get the help from some of the experts on here right from the start.
If I could possibly get you to back up a second here.... You said earlier in the thread that your skimmer was beginning to slow down on the amount of skimmate it was producing. What I’d like to know is if the quality is still the same, like dark brown/ coffee like looking skimmate is still being produced? I’m very unsure of the quality of skimmate that I get from my own locally made skimmer, which produces nothing better than a light tan skimmate. I’m in the process of saving up money to buy an AquaC EV120 skimmer which I hear is one of the better made/designed skimmers out on the market, and I’m just wondering if I can expect to always obtain a much darker/better quality of skimmate on a regular basis from a better made skimmer.
Keep up the good updates.... You’re doing great!!
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Thanks Rob! The quality of skimmate never did change for me...just slowed in production....it has always been blackish in appearance. I run my skimmer really wet, so it's very liquidy, but on occasion is thick. I haven't cleaned the skimmer cup in a couple of weeks, and it has been working hard lately....I have a couple of inches of really nasty stuff. I have noticed my algae dying off more, so maybe my skimmer is just picking up the nasties from that, so its producing more. I like AquaC skimmers, and when I was choosing a skimmer, AquaC was one of my choices. A friend of mine switched from her Turbofloater to an ASM skimmer (Euro-Reef knock-off) and is very happy. Her skimmer wasn't producing much skimmate at all. Once she had the better quality skimmer hooked up, it started producing some nice looking skimmate (OK - you know you're a reefer when you think skimmate is nice :) ). IMO, bigger and better skimmers are important, especially when keeping SPS. If you don't feel you're getting good quality skimmate from you skimmer, then you might benefit from making a change. Too bad stores don't have a rent-a-skimmer, so you can try them out. Especially on the higher end models.

So far the tank is fine. I still have to do the dip on the clams. I spoke with Barry at Clams Direct again, and he suggested I wait a couple of days (which would have been yesterday) before I do the dip for the second time. My virus turned into an upper respiratory infection, so now that I'm on meds I'll be feeling even better and get back to my usual tank maintenance in the next few days. I haven't felt well enough to do anything except look in the tank. I did notice this morning that the algae is looking better. I know.....I've said it before, but it is - or I'm dillusional....which is possible ;) . When I get the coralline scraped off the front, I'll take another picture.

Mary! XXX I just read an article showing some gutter guard in an overflow, and I will probably try something like that on mine. I do want another wrasse, and when I lost mine, I cringed thinking it was in the overflow - so I'll try that out. I did manage to get some eggcrate over the CL intakes. It is a 6 sided box with the middle section cut out of the backside. This then slipped over the intake screens and is holding on tight. IMAC is up in the air at this point. I have to check on our triathlon dates and see if hubby has anything that weekend. Summer always seems so busy here. I'll touch base with you when time gets closer.
The clams were fresh water dipped tonight for 25 minutes. I did the same thing as last time.....matched the temperature and pH of the tank. I took some pics prior to the dip, but the lights had been off for about an hour, so they are a little closed up. I'll take some after shots tomorrow.

The smaller clam was firmly attached to the small piece of rock I placed him on after the last dip. The larger clam I thought was firmly attached to his little rock, but after the 25 minutes, he jumped off of it. To my dismay - I found one of my baby lettuce nudibranchs on the rock. I sucked it up with a turkey baster and put it in the tank (hoping on a slim chance that it lives). I'm bummed because when I first found these guys (2 of them) they were only 1/8 inch in size....little teeny buggers. Now they're pushing an inch or so. I am really hoping it survives, but I won't count on it - 25 minutes is a long time in fresh water.

On a good note....Hooked/Katrina came by today and thought my algae looked so much better. Whew! I may be turning a corner :)
Looking wonderful Nikki...keep up the good work...taking your time really pays off...but it can be frustrating...hope your clams get better

btw...i have had the same issue with 2 six line wrasse..
Nikki, It's been a long, long corner, but if you have turned it, it's a salute to your patience. I hope everything keeps turning for you. We are dying to see your tank in full bloom, without the hair!!!! Hope you get to feeling better!! :D
Another update

What do you do when you have an anemone that is midway in a split?? Naturally peel it off the rock and trade it with a friend! LOL After contemplating the fate of my anemone and his interest in my closed loop intake - and knowing Nick/Maxx was in the market for an anemone.....we decided to do a trade. This was a saga all in its own......the long drive from St. Louis to Indy.......a story of a happy anemone now discovered to be splitting while taking it off the rock, with part of its foot under a zip tie.......the cutting of the zip tie and subsequent avalanche........the dinner.......a feverish child.......an acro crab hitchhiking on an encrusting montipora sp......the lugol's dip.......Nick's issues on the drive home. Whew!

This anemone is crazy! While Nick was taking it off the rock, he discovered it was splitting, and we realized that part of its foot was tucked under the zip tie holding 2 large rocks together. The rocks will be put back together hopefully this weekend. The rabbitfish is enjoying the algae she couldn't get at before. When Nick got the anemone home, it was opened in the bag, so I suppose that's a good sign. If is wasn't going to split before....it will likely do it now :D

The encrusting monti is a beautiful peach color. After reading a recent thread on monti eating nudibranchs I thought I should give the underside a good look. There were a couple of "things" on the underside - I didn't know what they were, so I decided to do a dip in lugols. I also used a toothbrush on the underside to wipe away anything that may be nasty. OH, when we were looking at the coral in the bag, Nick noticed a hitchhiking acro crab...the white ones with a black mask. Bonus! The coral wasn't too thrilled with the iodine dip and slimed pretty good. Hopefully it will be alright (good luck please?). I'll post pics after it is adjusted to the tank.

Nick also brought me some cerith and Astraea snails. They are happily munching away. Also, it was mentioned the algae looks a lot better (and NO, he wasn't just saying that :) ).

I'm keeping my fingers crossed about the anemone doing well.
Yeah I was just saying that.

JK Nikki!! It really does look much better. hopefully the Astreas and Ceriths will help remove more. The anemone looks great. Its opened up and is just chilling out. I think it will do fine despite all of the stress on it in the last couple of days. But I wont truly know for about 2 weeks or so...

Thanks for dinner last right, it was great!! Hope Carm is doing better today.

"What do you do when you have an anemone that is midway in a split?? Naturally peel it off the rock and trade it with a friend! LOL After contemplating the fate of my anemone and his interest in my closed loop intake - and knowing Nick/Maxx was in the market for an anemone.....we decided to do a trade. This was a saga all in its own......the long drive from St. Louis to Indy.......a story of a happy anemone now discovered to be splitting while taking it off the rock, with part of its foot under a zip tie.......the cutting of the zip tie and subsequent avalanche........the dinner.......a feverish child.......an acro crab hitchhiking on an encrusting montipora sp......the lugol's dip.......Nick's issues on the drive home. Whew!"

Wow, sounds like the last episode of of as the anemone turns!!!!
How far of a drive is that, Nikki?
By the way, what did she have for dinner? :D :D :D

Hope everything turns out good for both of you!!
Is 264.8 miles, door to door.
And she had a great spaghetti dinner and galrlic bread. Fresh italian sausage...lots of garlic...and charming company....Man I was in heaven!!

Oh, btw...there is a small hole opening up next to the RBTA's mouth. Looks like Its gonna be at least twins.....
