Sorry Don for being so late
I have been working on allot of stuff lately, trying to help out MACNA and a best friend of mine, Tony Vargas, has a new book in the works on reef tanks and he is on the phone like a couple of times a day, and I'm busy doing things for him.
Creatine is methyl guanidine-acetic acid and the monohydrate means it is hydrated with one molecule of water. It is a naturally occurring amino-acid found in meat juices. Guanidine is actually an amino-acxid by itself, CH5N3, aka oxidized "bat ****"
Explosives are made from this stuff, i.e., Nitroguanidine,
So, my only guess is it is the amino acid itself has I think somebody pointed out like the Blue-Coral or Zeovit Method additives or HGH.
I know one guy that will have an answer much more to your liking, Gary, Aka Mesocosm