Well-known member
whats the best way. same as fish, drip, float bag and adding water? how do you guys/gals acclimate your new arrivals?
i do a drip acclimation of 2 hrs for all livestock after floating the bag in the sump for 15 minutes.
Im new to the hobby and i acclimate to temp and then place into my aquarium. Havent lost anything as of yet.
Im new to the hobby and i acclimate to temp and then place into my aquarium. Havent lost anything as of yet.
Cross, unless your parameters were vastly different than the tank your new coral came out of, I doubt it was an acclimation issue.
I got a before and after pic of the cap. I sure don't remember seeing a pic of a Maybe it was there and I just didn't notice. I've deleted those PMs since though. Sorry about that.
I very rarely acclimate corals at all. I float the bag for about 15-30 minutes depending on how long they have been in the bag and then I just "dump" them in the tank. Have never lost a coral from it.
I float, to temp acclimate. Then I open bag and add some tank water to bag, every 10 minutes or so, to equalize pH and any water parameters that may be different. While doing this, if I plan to do any precautionary dip treatments, I prepare them. Once coral is temp and water parameter acclimated, I either place in tank, or dip in treatments and then place in tank.
If you do come over tomorrow, bring some water with you. I'll test it for you, since you don't have some of the needed test kits yet. Just rinse out a tupperware container with RO/DI water, and put some tank water in it.
Good way to do to sarang! I get shipments of coral every week or so lol! Almost every place HAS a acclimating sheet with package nontheless like i said it tells you to just to temp acclimate! Do what works for you but i stopped awhile ago with acclimating my tank water with corals only fish do i add my water!Well it all depends on the source of the newly acquired coral for me. If it is local and from a well known reputable source i would just temp acclimate and throw it into the tank sometimes if It was just a short trip back home I just take it out put some glue on and place it in the tank. If it was shipped out to me from a vendor or someone of distance . I usually temp acclimate and then treat for any pest that caould possibly be hitch hiking.