The most common reason for Acropora corals to turn brown is adjustment to changes in lighting intensity and/or spectrum. Coloration is not an indicator of coral health. It can take up to six months for a coral to color up and depending on your bulb/ballast combination and the placement of the coral it may never be the same color as it was when you first got it. Some will remain brown until they are moved to a different location or put under a different spectrum or intensity bulb.
Your parameters appear to be well within the range to keep Acropora healthy and growing. IME higher kelvin bulbs tend to produce slower growth while producing good color on average.
I have a 450 that I had 1500W of halide/actinic light on for 5 months. 80% of the Acropora had great color and growth but a few of the blue ones started to turn brown. They were frags of parent colonies I have that I know need very high light to stay bright blue. So I added another 1200W without any acclimation to the photo period. Well about 50% of the colorful corals turned brown or rather light tan/cream colored. The blue ones got their bright blue back. It has been another 60 days now and the other corals are just starting to get their color back. I estimate that it will be another 60-90 days before they return to their full color. In severe cases where the light intensity is increased too much the coral will lose all its tissue in a day.
A few years ago on my 557gal tank I let the halide bulbs go too long before changing (about 16 months). Then I put 5 new 400W bulbs of the same brand and added ozone, 80% of the acropora corals turned brown for 6 months because of the increase in light intensity due to the new bulbs and increase in water clarity.
These are just a couple of examples of how lighting changes affect Acropora corals.
Organic compounds in the water can have a large impact on how lighting penetrates the water column.
Paitence is the key when keeping Acropora corals IME, and try not to change too many things at once trying to achieve the color you seek
PS: Some Acropora corals will remain/are brown and others will not change color until the lighting spectrum is changed (but not on average).