Adam & Crystals 125/50 "REBIRTH" version 2.3 (PIC HEAVY)

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Nov 6, 2008
Tacoma wa.
SO after the whole mess of pests and pest algae and cleaning of the tank. WE restarted the peninsula bar tanks.. Lots of help to restock from many places ,local reef stores, local members and friends (to many to name them all)

We are back to this!! New rock work. new corals. new fish (except a few that made it)










Looks Great. It will be cool to see pics of it in a year. It is hard to envision it all grown in. It will be nice to have the pics for a comparison.
Keep up the good work.
PS Just for kicks how many different corals ect are in both tanks. Just a number.
Looks Great. It will be cool to see pics of it in a year. It is hard to envision it all grown in. It will be nice to have the pics for a comparison.
Keep up the good work.
PS Just for kicks how many different corals ect are in both tanks. Just a number.
not for sure how many different corals.. Crystal 50 has three different kinds of leathers, 6 different kinds of mushrooms two different kinds of sea weed/grass, and a muli colored frag spon. (misspelled) and a sunset monti.. Now you got me thinking i need to go count them all . lol
Very happy to see this thread!! Tank is looking awesome! I really like your new fish choices!! We're putting together a coral care package, to bring over in July.

Thanks so Much Mike. Crystal is much happier with the tanks back up and going.. she loves all her small fish... lol That i have to thank saltybell for... she seen his tank and fell in love with it.. I did the rock work in the 125 and Crystal did the rock work in her 50.. we can't wait to see you again..
Looks good! I wasn't even aware that your tanks were down! Man, I gotta come around more often.
I knew that would take you tank side. As if you need another reason to look in there. LOL
I will make a guess at about 30 different kinds
looks good there Adam. You still running halides or have you switched to leds yet? I am making the switch this weekend to leds. They will be in on friday. Hoping to lower my electric bill.
I know , like i have done before. once things grow out more, i'll be frag and giving things a way. :) there might be 40 different kinds... lol. ya really don't need a other reason to go tank side...
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My baby clowns from BRA sale are doing GREAT .. They are both starting to host my matalic green with purple tip frogspawn
and eating out of my hand