adding a Leopard wrasses, with a est. lubbucks how should i do it?

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Well-known member
May 7, 2005
so. cal
hello out there. i am thinking of getting a Leopard wrasses. i have a lubbocks wrasse in a 20gal reefed out QT. he has been in there for aobut 40days now. after looking into the care of the leopard i think i can give one a good home. the thing is i know about there eating issues and would like to put the leopard in the 20gal for a while before adding him to the main tank. fat'n up a little. the main tank is 72X18X20 productive 45gal refugium 150lbs rock couple inchs of 0.5-1.5 grain sand bed. anyway i am thinking of either putting the lubbocks in the main tank and QT the leopard in the 20gal then add to the main tank. or i could add the leopard to the 20gal with the wrasse and add them togather in a few weeks. any thoughts???
Thinking of getting a Leopard wrasses

Hi Prow: By no means am I a Leopard expert But I do currently have 2 tanks that I currently have Leopard's in Here is what i know Wrasses add to tank at the same time never add on then add another at a latter date the established Wrasse will attack the newbie This is a Must when adding more than one Leopard to a tank. I currently have 3 different species of wrasses,Macropharyngodon meleagris 2 ea , one Macropharyngodon ornatus
and lastly i have a Pseudochelilinus hexataenia
in a 75 gallon sps dominated tank with a 3" sand bed you will need a sand bed for the Leopard to seek cover ( sleep), dive into when scared.The
Pseudochelilinus hexataenia is my tank bully and has been the one i wish had not added.
These wrasses "Leopards don't get along at all with any Dottyback they will fight to the death.These fish will not eat a prepared food until you train them. So you will have to have a very good supply of Pods established.
A very smart fish they will pick up feeding traits from the other fish over time.
A expert only fish but If your really wanting them and willing to go the extra mile IE live foods till they start eating the prepared stuff, Willing to suffer losses during the first 5-7 days, If the fish last this long I have not had any die at this point. They are very pretty and will eventually learn to eat right out of your hand. Mile will school with 2 Disbar Anthias and will Hunt in teams of 2. I have really enjoyed mine. I also recommend you talking to Kevinpo and Red Eye Reef: Both of them have had these fish for years before me and help me allot

I hope this helps enclosed is a teaser good luck ...Jeff

hello out there. i am thinking of getting a Leopard wrasses. i have a lubbocks wrasse in a 20gal reefed out QT. he has been in there for aobut 40days now. after looking into the care of the leopard i think i can give one a good home. the thing is i know about there eating issues and would like to put the leopard in the 20gal for a while before adding him to the main tank. fat'n up a little. the main tank is 72X18X20 productive 45gal refugium 150lbs rock couple inchs of 0.5-1.5 grain sand bed. anyway i am thinking of either putting the lubbocks in the main tank and QT the leopard in the 20gal then add to the main tank. or i could add the leopard to the 20gal with the wrasse and add them togather in a few weeks. any thoughts???
good onfo thanks. yeah iknow to add most wrasse togather. thinking maybe because one likes sand diving and the other does not, that and the size of the tank ,it might be ok. just dont really know.
one likes sand diving and adding together

Well Prow have you found a Local source for getting a Leopard?
If so watch them a day or 2 and ask the LFS to feed it If it will eat thats the one to get. If you decide to go with it, another thing How old is your tank do you have a good supply of Copods??? How about live brine shrimp???Can you get these daily???
These are good starting block for a successfull introduction of a Leopard..

Ok some more eye candy...Jeff

good onfo thanks. yeah iknow to add most wrasse togather. thinking maybe because one likes sand diving and the other does not, that and the size of the tank ,it might be ok. just dont really know.


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hi and thanks for the reply. the tank has been going for about 18 months now. the first year it was fishless. pods are everywhere. the tank has not had any pod preditors until i added the gramma who has been in the tank about 2 months i think. i actually need something just to decrease there numbers. however the sand bed has only been in there for about 3 months.
i can get live brime, live black worms various feeder shrimp including live mysids daily no problem. from what i understand once they learn to eat good quaity dried/flake foods they are pretty hardy and adapt well. that is if you can get past the frist month. have not really started to look so not sure if the LFS has them in or not. still thinking on how. i have 3 fish in QT now. all have been there for about month. one QT has a tang and blenny so they will stay there till i get this wrasse issue out of the way. starting to think i should find a good leopard to buy and add them togather. no QT for the leopard, maybe a fresh water dip.
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no QT for the leopard, maybe a fresh water dip.
There is no reason to not QT this fish or any other. You do however need to make special consideration for the QT set up specific to this species. It should be well established, have a "removable" substrate area for sleeping, heavy pod/fauna population and very stable well kept water paramters. Pleanty of areas (nooks and such) for the wrasse to hunt. Not QT'ing this or anything wet for the reasons of a hard to acclimate is a wrong way to go about it. If properly prepared, there's no reason to skip the QT. If something is so delicate you need to risk your main system, it's a fish/animal that should be skipped entirely.
