Advice for Bubbletip Anemone's

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Blue Tang
Nov 28, 2005
I bought a bubbletip today on impulse..(Kimmy's impulse) i never buy anything she likes, so she talked me into it:oops:.... is there anything important that i need to know about keeping them?? i know they need strong lighting.. i have 250w MH"s, so lighting is not a problem.. i keep my CA and Alk up.. my water is also very low nutrient water...what corals, if any, do they sting???
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They sting and will eat fish. Let it move tell it finds a spot it likes. Spot feed it if you don't have clowns nesting in it.
That is 250 watt right?, they sting everything so be careful. You also need to feed them from time to time.... well this a debate to others... some dont feed them some do.... And i do... congrats...
it's been moving around, but mainly because of the strong flow in the was getting blown around in circles!!!!..i put it under a ledge to block it from the high flow.. it has moved to a better spot on top of the ledge where the flow is not crazy strong... what type of flow do they like???? do they do better under a certain color of light???
I have 250 MH also and mine likes it hanging out under a rock ledge about 1/2 way up. I feed him silverslides 2 or 3 times a week. He hasn't moved since I put him in the tank (about a month ago). My cleaner shrimp dive in his face (?) when I give him fish. They try and steal it away but he quickly caught onto that game. He gets decent light and medium flow. He has doubled in size since I got him. Good luck!!!

Ron, I have anemones in two of my tanks and have not had issues with them stinging/eating fish. The tank with the Seabae actually has a mandarin goby and I was told that was a no no to mix the two but a year later all is fine. I think the fish know to stay away.

I have seen the tangs get a little to close to the LT and it will get a tenacle on them but they are able to swim away. This usually happens when the yellow and sailfin are having a little spat (the majority of time they will be fine with each other, in fact my 4 different tangs tend to school and move around the tank as a group, but sometimes those 2 decide to try to one up each other, kind of like two men in a bar :oops:).

I think your tangs will be fine, mine tend to swim all around the anemone stayin just out of reach.

Let Kimmy keep the bubbletip!
I think that the fish ither know to stay or way.... or rub up a little close and learn real fast to stay away...

by chance a pic?

alternateing current... but it will go where it wants to leave it be.... is it stick? Its a RTBA? or else?
it found a place it likes, i guess.. it has been there for a day or two.. i fed it some fresh shrimp today... the tentacles aren't really looking like bubbletips.. what causes them to do this????
Odds of a BTA eating a tang are about 20-1. Of all of the hosting anemones, only S.hadoni is really known as a fish eater. Im not saying that it cant happen with other hosting anemones, but definitely not very common. There are a number of corals that will actually sting the BTA instead of the BTA stinging corals> Euphyllia (Torch, hammer, frogspawn. etc) comes to mind. I have enev seen Euphyllia keep hadoni's at bay.

Bubbles, Its not really known what causes bubbles/no bubbles. Some say, (and the one I beleive most) is that if they feel threatened in some way, they bubble. From my own experience, I can say that its not light. Its not hosting...

Good luck
I have a RBTA in my main display and have for a few years. I do have a mated pair of clowns hosting in it, so I think they help keep it in its place. The clowns also toss their food into the anemone to feed it. I have had mine split several times and when it does the new anemones like to wander a bit as well as the main anemone when it is splitting.

I have lost a mandarin to the anemone. The mandarin swam into it and got paralyzed on one side of its body. The anemone also moved before splitting and stung a birdsnest coral. One half of the coral bleached. When I moved the coral to a new spot it regenerated its tissue back. I make sure to keep my anemone at a distance from my sps.

My anemone got long tentacles under 400 watt halide lighting and was recently moved under VHOs temporarily because we are still in the process of setting up the lights on our new tank. It has bubble tips under the lower lighting. It also likes indirect medium-high flow and high light. Mine moves to the top of my rockwork.

If it wasn't for the hosting clowns, I wouldn't have this anemone in the display just because it can move and sting. Most of my fish stay away from it because the clowns will chase them off. I also got stung by the anemone once which was wierd. My husband handles the anemones with his bare hands and never gets stung. I think I was feeding it and the sting felt like a warm sensation under water, not bad though, but it scared me. I pulled my hand out quickly. So with that info, I think they decide when to sting.
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thanks for the info guys!!! i am still trying to decide if i should keep it.. i may keep it in its current tank when i get my bigger one.. i may just get a few clowns and have a clown tank!!!
weel i woke up a minute ago and couldnt find the bubbletip... i looked at my intake on my closed loop and i found it.. it was FLAT!! it was stuck, on and in the intake!!! i had to scrape it off with a knife... the water is cloudy.. i ran and got out the Phosban Reactor.. i am running carbon right now..i will do a water change tomorrow!!!.. can this kill my corals?????
i'll let you guys decide..this is what i cleaned out of my intake.. there is a piece of graciliria mixed in there also...i keep finding more chuncks blowing around in the tank.. i pick them out as i find them