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See Anemaknee
Oct 20, 2005
I had some corals shipped out yesterday with overnight priority shipping. The package was suppose to be here by 10 o'clock this morning. I called and the lady told me it was held in Indiana but not to worry I would get it Monday. I explained what it was so she said she would put out a urgent tracer on it to get it out. I just called back and a different lady said I would have it by Monday. I told her to go ahead and put a check on the box for $800 to refund the price of the coral. I have shipped and received tons of corals through all the carriers. I have never had anything like this happen. Sorry just had to vent.:evil: Damn you FedEx
That TOTALLY sucks Brenden! I just recieved a coral order via fedex yesterday with no problems at all! Somebody was really slacking on the job there. Anymore word from them on what they can do?? I really hope they come thru for you.
Most shippers including FedX exempt lifestock from insurance. I have had the best success with picking up boxes at the airport, shipped direct. If it gets on the plane, you pick it up when it gets off.
Mike the problem with that is it is at the airport in Indiana. Anyone live in Indiana and want some really nice corals?
Tike: The shipper and I are both trying to get them to do Saturday delivery but they will not commit to anything.
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Man I feel for you. I've had shipments delayed, but only one day.
We'll think Saturday for you.
$800 umm lets see what could I get for that:) Dam that must of been some really nice corals, If they normally don't insure live stock then that sucks! Call Nikki she lives out that way! You may get lucky & save some though hope the boxes are well insulated!
Shipper has assured me I will be happy regardless of the outcome. I just want the corals. $800 is my weekly average lately:shock: Melissa put dibbs on a new tanning bed because of it.:(
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$800 a week? Thats over $100 a day!

"Come on man, just gimme a taste - you know I'm good for it, really need some coral bad."

Time for Coralholics Anonymous for you...
No I said she wants a tanning bed. Not me.
No need for Coralholics Anonymous. I am going cold turkey on my own soon.
I hate fedex!
out of about 5+ shippments I got from them I am still yet to get one on time and only about 15% of my things arrived alive...

I will never use them any more. I wont even buy from a place that ships with them..

Fedex shipped my livestock from Hawaii to California then to Alaska (oops) back to California... then to seattle and then took ALL day to get drive it out to me. Took 2 and a half days to "over night it" Thanks Fedhex!
wow this is hell bad to hear u can only ship coral with in australia which is still hard to do but most flights are no more then 5 hours which is good although shipping isnt the problem always one of the coral collectors in the N.T. got taken by a crocidlie while he was collecting :eek: thats worse then late coral no more paraancor
I have heard the term "Salty's" used on some crocs from there... Im sure they can live in salty water... They have been around for millions of years ,Im sure they have adapted by now... Brenden,sorry to hear about the corals...hope they work it out for you...
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