Ahoy hoy from a small town reefer

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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May 20, 2013
Oregon Willamette Valley
Hello :) I am new to the forum and like the title says I am from a small town in Oregon. In my neck of the woods there are not as many reef oriented stores about so I have to make do with the help of other hobbyists in the area via trading and fragging. I love all corals for there color,structure, and general biology so I have a bit of a mixed reef going on in my house.I also enjoy fresh water tanks,lizards and frogs as that was my original passion until I was bitten by the salt bug. I heard that this forum has some nice people as well as good information to soak up so here I am to see what its all about.Thanks for having me aboard...
Hey, welcome to Reef Frontiers.
There is a lot of great info here. And yes, a lot of nice people.
Most of us have mixed reefs. And then some of us set up multiple tanks for the different corals. LOL! yeah!
Anyway, we look forward to seeing pics when you can post them.
Agian welcome and hope you enjoy the new hobby. It can be a little stressful at times, but also well worth it.
Welcome to Reef Frontiers :becky:. Its good to see fellow Oregonians venturing North. Share some pictures of what you're developing we'd love to see what you got.
Welcome to the forum :)

It looks like the Oregonians are coming out of the wood work lately. Welcome to the north side :biggrin1:
Thank you for the welcomes.Yes another Oregonian,I heard about this forum from a friend and liked what I saw so here I am. And yes, I have taken more than a couple trips to Washington just to see another killer coral tank not to mention visit a store or two.
​Hey Bert, another BIG :welcome: to Reef Frontiers. As Lorrie stated above you should fit in well here with the rest of us nuts.

Cheers, Todd
welcome to the nut house oh I mean fish house....or would it be coral house or maybe even just tank house...:wink:
Hey there and welcome! I come down your way all the time... well to the coast that is. This weekend in fact and I'm excited to do it! Saltwater is sure a fascinating hobby and welcome aboard. There are many cool and interesting tanks in this group. And yes we love pictures of tanks so we'll be looking for sure.