Algae after Lighting Upgrade

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Feb 11, 2005
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
I'm in week 3 of acclimating my 72 bow to new lighting (from 230 w of PC to almost 700 w of MH/PCs. Noticed a few spots of brown stringy algae in some low flow areas. Its the first algae I've had in 8-10 months. Showing no detectable nitrates or phosphorus. Could the lighting have kicked this off a bit?
I've heard that new lighting as well as old lighting that needs to be changed, do cause an algae outbreak, but don't quote me on that as I may be wrong. Atleast I know it is true for old lights, but not positive for new...I figured I'd add my two cents and bump the thread for you...Good luck!
Yeah, a change of lighting can help cause algae outbreaks....but the other componants have to be there first, ie excess nutrients....

definately, 400 to 500watts of new light, with a little extra Po4, D.o.c's etc.
try reducing the photoperiod. (depending on how bad of an outbreak) and then bring it up slowly over the next 4 weeks.....Jeff
Algea requires 3 things in order to exist....

Food, (IE nutrients)

Ya kinda need the first 2 in order to have a reef tank...

If ya take care of the nutrients (reduce them as much as're not gonna get them all...), the algae should be pretty minimal.

kings X.. I'll give ya that one!!! I have added alot of new light at times before and had minor outbreaks, nothing too bad Jeff
Thanks all. I am probably quilty of overfeeding and I've been experimenting with new concoctions of homemade food. Therefore, I reap the results of too many nutrients and more intense, its time to cut back the food and do a few more water changes. Thanks gain.;) ;)