Alk Question

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Designer Reef
Aug 22, 2007
So, tested parameters couple of minutes ago and for the first time I had an imbalance...
Ca - 410
Alk - 2.0 mq/L
ph - 8.3
mag - 1210
sal - 1.025

So, my alk is out of whack. Right now I dose Kents Turbo calcium and Kents Superbuffer. For this fix I was just going to use baking soda (arm and hammer). I guess I'm just wondering if this is what I should only do? Thanks!
I would suggest switching over to a two part dosing solution, and/or looking in to dosing kalk. It appears that what your using to dose is not in balance, which is causing your alk/calc to get out of whack. You should shoot for something around 420 calc/ 9dkh alk, then dose a balanced addtive.
I'm going to switch to randys 2 part once i get this corrected. I've been reading my eyes blind on everything about it and other dosing solutions. I've been doing like this for over 6 months with no problem, but it just got out of whack and ???? Just wondering what would be the best/quickest fix?
I personally like to use just the "alk" part of the two part dosing system to bring my alkalinity levels up slowly. I wouldn't recomend using the two part solutions to correct calcium problems, but usually minor alkalnity adjustments are accomplished easily and safely IME. Just make sure you don't dose too much at once as it will cause your PH to rise quickly. Do you have an electronic ph monitor? Thats really the best way to tell how much alk solution you should be dosing at one time because it allows you to see the PH swing in real time.
for a quick fix use the baking soda. heat in oven for an hour, let it cool and there's this calculator that you can use, somewhere in the forums that tells you to dose per gallons of tank water. be careful, it will raise your ph so do it slowly.
I would have your LFS recheck your test readings. With as many water changes as you're doing, even a tank full of clams and really bad salt should keep your readings above 2.0mq/L. Make sure you don't have a bunk test kit.
already did. I do 15g water changes 3 times a week

With what brand of salt? You can go ahead and keep using the kent products until they are gone. The only difference between what your doing and a diy two part is that with two part Randy did the math for you.
Use the chem calculator and just bump up the alk.

I agree with using kalk for at least part of your dosing. Two parts are fine for the balance as long as you keep up with your water changes.

I use IO salt and Salifert test kits. I know the test isn't wrong because I've been using it for about a year!

As far as how I've been dosing with the kent products, It's been pretty consistent for about 6 months and this is the first mis-balance. The only reason I didn't want to use the super buffer is because it usually bumps my ph up and with my ph being 8.3, it doesn't need to be bumped up. That's why I was going to use the baking soda, because that lowers salinity some. But, after reading I will drip Kalk and just use the kent buffer. I will see how that works.
With IO I'd test your test kit against freshly mixed IO. You should get about 11dkh. The kit may be bad no matter its age.
The PH increase with the kent is only temporary so you just need to dose it slowly.

The nice thing about superbuffer is it won't bump your pH above about 8.4 max. I wouldn't hesitate to use it as long as your tests come back as correct.
You are not suppose to be uisng buffers to bump up pH. They are for raising Alk. BS is your best opition for raising the Alk with less of an impact on pH. Kent SB is a mix of baking soda and washing soda, so will have a slight tendency to bump up the pH more than plain baking soda, to includ the ALk. Straight washing soda will bump up the pH even more to include the ALk.