almost a complete loss

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sand loving outcast
Jul 11, 2005
:( well power outage strikes... 12 hours 3 fish dead. 24 hours 3 more fish dead. set up a bunch of 20 gallon tanks at my sisters house. to try to save what I could she lost power overnight and 3 more fish dead. what a weekend.

temp was at 65 degrees's most of my corals are so stressed right now. I have lost about half of my sps due to RTN, my toadstool is not looking good at all I had to cut a good portian of it due to tissue recession. I have saved what I could, but still doesnt look that good. I am really bummed about this whole ordeal. just wanted to share my pain. well talk to you guys later whenever I get my power back on and comcast working.

they were sold out of generators. I could not find one anywhere.
Man I'm feeling bad for you what a loss, sorry to hear that. There are a few things in this hobby I always cringe, one when leaving home or for a long period of time or two when we get bad weather & loose power. I'm sorry man, hope you get some survivors out of it!:cry:
Sorry to hear that Larry. :doubt: It's a real bummer for all you guys experiencing this. Just think of living in the caribbean where hurricanes do it every year, but thankfully we have been lucky the past 2 years here. Hopefully everything gets back to normal soon for you guys:)
This is a real shame. We need a sticky in the local forums such as psas. Maybe a list of people with generators that are willing to store a cooler full of live stock.

Larry, I'm sorry about this. My tanks lost power, too, but for a couple hours only.

I have a tank empty if you need to store something.

I am sorry to hear about your loss!
I kept all my tanks alive with a power inverter on my ford F250 and ran out 50 bucks in gas over 16 hrs but by the end of that time period I couldnt keep running my truck all day so got a generator and finished off the last 16 hrs with it, I dont think I lost anything in any of my tanks however my fuge crashed on one but just killed off live rock..

Sorry to hear about it.
My power is back now for over 12 hours and the tank is recovering. I "only" lost a flame angel and a cleaner shrimp. Coral wise, I lost some of my xenia, but I consider myself lucky given I have acros, a clam, RBTA and more sensitive fish like powder blue and naso tangs.
My gas fireplace and car betteries with inverter were what saved me.

I hope you will get over this new trauma. I know you suffered with the heat wave during summer, so hang in there!
I am sorry for your loss. I can feel the pain. Been there, done that.
Try your best to save them.

I feel the pain too because I am in the same boat as you. All my fishes, SPS, rose bubbles, shrimps and clener crews were dead after 30 hrs. I only have some mushroom and softies left. It was 49 degree in my house on Sat morning and I still have no power. :cry:

damn b, that sux's i feel your pain (im pritty sure we all do)

look at the bright side there wont be a next time.

next time your gonna out side lissioning to the sweet sound of that generator per
dumb question, with the thouslands invested in our tanks, why doesn't everyone own a generator. their less than $200 for 2000watts. [16 amps]
Condolences to everyone for their lost livestock. With so many on here concetrated in the Washington area it seems like many are suffering from the power outages.
larry i wish we could have helped we were lucky enough to have power please call next time. i am so sorry about the loss
wwouu dood sorry to hear :( ... here we just had the lights flikering (kind of like going on and off :p ) and we've been having problems with our internet since i believe Thursday .
i think a dood from here was making a list with people that could help in case of need (in the psas forum), even though i got nothing i can help with :( (a whimp and with no generator :p) i think it'd be a good idea to have someone around, heck i'd be more than happy to even give some money donation to a group that just in case i could call when i'm in trouble :oops: :)