almost a complete loss

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I am not sure what my losses are, they are likely huge. Very sorry to hear of your losses, power is still not on in my area. I am actually out of town, from what I have heard, the hardest part is finding gas for our generator in our area.

my lord where are you guys liveing??? it sounds like the world has already started to blow up over there..
my lord where are you guys liveing??? it sounds like the world has already started to blow up over there..

We had a MAJOR wind storm blow threw on thursday night. Had gusts up to 90 mph. Took out a LOT of power lines out. I was out of power for 3 days myself. It is quite a mess!!

I saw on the news what your area of the country was going through. I hate to hear of all the losse's, it is so sad. We have hurricanes and they don't pack winds like what ya'll had usually.
Yeah, Almost a million people lost power in the Northwest.

(Mine came back on last night, after 69 hours--I count myself lucky; I've got family and coworkers who've been told they might not have power back until Xmas!)

my lord where are you guys liveing??? it sounds like the world has already started to blow up over there..

(Not to sound to much like an enviro-freak--but the last DVD I watched before the power went out was "An Inconvenient Truth") and it keeps chruning in my head (warmer weather = more powerful storms)

Global warming, climate crisis, whatever you call it--you can choose to believe in the science or not don't--but IMO the storms seem to keep getting stronger!
well everything is the same as yesterday. going over to check on my livestock in a few minutes. hopefully there is no problems. hope everyone pulls threw. saved some at least costed me a extra $500 but oh well.

generators were no where to be found and i live in a apartment and didnt have room for a generator. but as soon as I can I will buy the biggest bad a** one I can find...

now that my tanks are torn apart I will be setting up my 180 when power comes back on. well best of luck to all my salty neighbors.take care guys and be safe. power is comming back but for those of you on the eastside best of luck.
I am not sure what my losses are, they are likely huge. Very sorry to hear of your losses, power is still not on in my area. I am actually out of town, from what I have heard, the hardest part is finding gas for our generator in our area.

dood !!! that's horrible, i hope you didn't loose those cute clowns that Krish liked so much :eek: :(
Larry, very sorry to hear of your losses, when it rains it pours. Just got power back tonight at 8 PM, 5 days without power! Thanks the lord I got a generator last summer. Loud as hades and a gas hog, but the 5000 watts did the job.

I lost it ALL in the 90s big ice storm and vowed never that much pain again.
Hope some of the coral makes it/
Regards and better luck,
I my start my own thread about my losses, I lost one SPS that would have cost over 300.00 retail. I probably lost around 15-20 individual corals, including a 14" round by about 6 layer+ Monti cap. Those were 2 of the biggest.. 6" clown tang and many more Dead!!! 30 hrs without power, :mad: In 2 tanks, my 200gal reef, I had one fish that survived, it was the male of the mated pair of GSM clowns..

In my 50 gal. overflow tank, just for live rock and xtra corals I don't have room for, I only had 2 fish.. the only survivor was a Niger Trigger..

this is a quote from someone from NY at the top of this page..
dumb question, with the thouslands invested in our tanks, why doesn't everyone own a generator. their less than $200 for 2000watts. [16 amps]

Answer, we rarely loose power / 4 to 6hrs is the biggest power outtage my area has seen in years:mad:

edit: Larry.. PM me your phone number.. I lost my phone a month ago, and my backup Razor doesn't have your number in it....
Yeah, not everybody can have a generator at home because of space and building regulations.
OK, so maybe people not in houses shouldn't have tanks. But then again, it's ridiculous to have power out for more than 12 hours. They knew the storm was coming and didn't prepare ahead of it.
I'm glad I only lost a fish and a cleaner shrimp that had just moted. 5 days later the rest of my tank is pretty much recovered.
I hope those of you who had a lot of losses are recovering well too.
As long as we had our tanks at the business in town we didn't worry about the power being out because the heavier populated areas usually get the first attention. But as soon as we moved the tanks out to the house and away from town we knew that we had to have a generator. Power outages at the house are long and often. We have had two instances in 15 years where the power has been out for over three weeks at a time.

We ordered an inline auto start generator in October and moved the tanks from town to the country but we rushed it a little. The generator got delayed and while it was delayed the power went out for a couple of days. We ran to town to get a gas powered generator and by the time we got it up and running we had lost 3 fish.

The problem is you don't expect heavily populated areas to be out for so long. How many times do you see entire apartment complexes and towns still out of power after a week. And who would expect that a major complication would be just purchasing gas.......

Even with our generator we could have problems. For example in an ice storm like we had a few years back how would you get a propane truck out to the house to refuel the tank. So we could save the tanks for 3 days and still end up loosing it all.

I sympathize with those who have lost things. It took me almost eight months to get over the loss of just one fish. I cannot imagine your pain.
reefer relief

Once everyone gets their tanks up and going again there needs to be a giant frag party for you guys. Those who have frags to spare could donate. That'd be cool.
I was lucky in the U-district because we never lost power. I live in an apartment so the generator is out of the question. I am going to look in too one of those deepcycle batterie with an inverter though.

My fresh water tank is still without power at my parents house in renton =\ Somehow my 12+inch managuense is still hanging on. The only thing he has on his side is that hes the only fish in a 125 gallon tank. My parents don't have a generator but I guess my step dads been adding 5-10 gallons of hot dechlorinated water to the tank every 8 hours since it went out.

I hope it comes back soon =(
10 car batters wired in line to a inverter and on the other side a bike with a coil, belt, and wheel.

bike rideing time.......
I would have lost my grouper...but it seemed to survive even though at one point it was belly up and not was so cold.
I guess I got lucky, my tank was without power for 36hrs before I could find a generator. While my temp was 62* I didn't loose anything, I was sure I would loose my 2 rose bulbs :confused: both clowns my purple tang and a big a** blenny but all pulled through along with a bunch of softies. Here in rural Monroe we had no power for 7 days :eek: my tang has some white marks above both eyes, what could that be ??
Do add to the fact that I too as many others here feel the pain for your lost, now I not readied every response but perhaps you might take into account that you might buy yourself a power generator. For everything that i`m putting into the tanks I have, I would and will. :(
