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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
This marks the beginning portion of my new FOWLLR setup (Fish Only With Little Live Rock). The tank is a 90 gal All-Glass aquarium with custom stand and canopy made to match the living room's entertainment center. I currently have a Two little Fishies Phosban reactor, CPR overflow, (2) Seio M820's (only using 1 now), Magnum 350 cannister filter for charcoal use and extra flow, custom sump with 800gph return, and a AquaC EV120 protein skimmer with mag5 which I should of had today, but Hurricane Katrina screwed up my plans. I searched endlessly for a good skimmer and alot seemed to give great reviews so I decided to go with the one that caught my eye the most mainly for the slower flow rate as opposed to alot of the others which demanded much power (trying to get a little longer dwell time without re-circulating).

Here are the first 4 pictures showing my new sump (wet/dry) and a little peek inside the tank. I gave it a test run and there are a few adjustments I have to make on the sump tomorrow when I go to work. Eveything looks pretty good under the stand and I'll post more pictures of it in operation after I make the adjustments tomorrow. If you are wondering why there is 2 inputs for the sump it's because 1 is for the overflow and the other is the return for the skimmer.
How do you like the seio pumps I was considering replacing my 4 MJ1200's with 2 of these but have heard mixed reviews
Weee! I've been waiting for this thread. I think you'll like the AquaC EV120, can't wait to see it put together!
Looks great Krish! I really like that rock background, that's gonna look fantastic when the tank is finished.

Erik, the pump works great. It isn't a strong direct 820 gph. It's more of a broader stream that is gentle at 820gph. They give you a lot of mounting hardware to fit any possible application. The only I don't like about it is that it isn't black.
Thanks for the replies. I will post a few more pictures tomorrow. I made the adjustments to the sump and out of curiosity, I was wondering if I should drill a few holes in the sump where the bio-balls sit for some sort of O2 exchange? I noticed on my previous sump there were holes that allowed air to get to the bio-balls from the open chamber or is it not necessary?
Hi Krish,

I like that background too, and look forward to seeing how you like it 6 months from now or longer. I'm very curious how it will hold up in saltwater, and with coralline growing on it.

You'll like the EV-120. Let me know if you have problems getting it running. It needs to be set up in a section where the water level never varies, and the outlet needs to be at the surface or above the surface.

Regarding the burbing in the overflow box, I think you've got that resolved with some flexible airline tubing. I know that pipe with the cuts in it is designed to trap the bubbles and keep them reduced, and there are more things you can do quite easily to stop them even further.

I don't see how adding any holes to the bioball section will help. It is already a WET - DRY application, so air will be in there.
Thanks Marc. Hopefully it will hold up in the salt. If it doesn't then that will give me a good excuse to toss it later and get to spend so more money without my wife complaining (LOL). With the EV-120, I made that little platform you see on the side on my update thread to raise it above water level. As for water level variation, my pump will sit at the bottom of the first chamber so hopefully it should be fine. Thanks again. Oh, by the way, I didn't know you were a member here LOL. I let Chuck know, on another thread that you'll missed him on your other forum...Hopefully though, he will still stay here with us and you will too. You guys along with everyone else here makes the hobby more enjoyable.
krish are is the stone background foam?
It's solid and weighs a ton! I could take a picture of a piece I cut off for my overflow to fit. It looks like the first layer is rock, the second some kind of concrete and the bottom some form of fiberglass mat. One thing for certain it helps buffer the water. I had it in 3 month old cycled ro/di freshwater with a ph of 7.0 for about 2 weeks and after a day of having it in there it raised my ph to 7.5. So I added a full dose of proper ph 7.0 to the tank. It brought it back down and in another 2 days it started climbing back up. I'm waiting for the ph test kits to come in this week to see where it's at, but I think it should be fine. A few friends of mine says it reminds them of the sides of some of the rocks and small cays we have here in the Bahamas and it really does. They want me to anchor some corals on it, but my set up is not really designed to handle corals. Maybe later I might change up a bit and venture that way, but or now FO.
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Sorry guys...I feel bad now. I got introuble with Scooter for jokingly using "slang" which i got from a PG-13 movie with Jackie Chan and he had to remove the remark. :cry: I honestly feel bad now....Sorry everyone again.
If it is a fish only tank and that is all the rock you plan on using where are the fish going to hide and play? Just a thought :|
The little rockwork in the front. I may add 2 more small piles to either side. Keep in mind though, I'm not keeping very many fish. It's a 90 gal, but I only plan on keeping about 4-5 fish at most.
Hey Krish, that back ground looks spectacular!! Truly unique!
I was just curious of how well that new aqua-c skimmer is working for you so far.
I’m planning to get one myself some day and I’d really value your honest opinion on it. Is it really as quiet as it is claimed to be? Do you hear any noise coming from the air inlet?