Americas Pastime??

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First: The debate isn't "what is America's pasttime?" That's not arguable. It's established. Perhaps you should have asked "What is currently America's most popular sport?"

Second, racecar driving is EXTREMELY physical, and every bit as physically and mentally taxing as any sport out there. This even counts for the "Go fast, turn left." If you've never done it, you have no idea how intense it is. The level of awareness that's required is uncompromising. Imagine the most intense moment of a football play. Let's say... a 1 yard rush for the goal line. Sure, that's grueling. For all of 4 seconds. Imagine not being able to turn that intensity down for a couple hours, solid. There are accounts of race drivers losing more than 20lbs in sweat during a race. You make the call.

Now if NASCAR only knew how to turn right, also.... :)
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Nascar turns right on two tracks :) but even the Indy & F1 drivers admit the challenges of NASCAR racing is very competitive if not more & it as mentioned is very physical, mentally draining also.
I am not trying to knock Nascar or any other racing I just wanted to know what people thinks. I don't doubt it is taxing or competitive, but you have to admit that years a go the only sports where most things that involve running or fisical stuff.
What does everyone think of golf, is it a sport?
ESPN now shows poker and dart tournoments, are those sports?

Just asking.
ESPN shows the National Spelling Bee. Guaranteed NOT a sport. :) In fact, guaranteed only to showcase kids who never played sports, either.
SCUBA diving is a sport. Parachuting is a sport even fishing is a sport. Not real competitive but I like sports that I am involved in personally. IMO most other sports are for a few people and everyone else are just television watchers. Not that that makes them bad people but they are just watching other people work. :lol:
In nascar of the past you had alot of overweight beer drinking drivers and fans in the past. Now the drivers have workout scedules, strick diets, and over all more time testing the car on the tracks, not to mention the 10 months a year they are doing all of that. the tempature inside the car will reach over 140 degrees on top of that is the firesuits they wear.

of course it will not make everybody believe its a demanding sport, just people driving fast in circles.

But there is a whole other side of nascar. The over the wall crew (pit crew) most of them now have the background of col. football but didnt make the pro's. very much still in shape I think they are most underated athletes. Who else can carry a 60 pound tire and throw it on perfect first try... or how about a wedge/trackbar adjustment, 4 fresh tires, full tank of fuel in 13-14 seconds. That is dedication, hard work, and a strong fitness level.

Please just watch a race from start to finish just one race. The next race is this sunday on NBC 2:30 pm eastern time zone 11:30 pacific.

this race is the second to the last race of the year. right now jimmie johnson is leading the chase to the nextel cup (basically nascar playoffs) with the top 5 drivers within striking distance of the cup... warning phoenix could be a boring race to watch but is one of the most demanding tracks, we could see some long green flag runs which turns into no breaks for the drivers, or we could have tight close racing action with a couple really good wrecks. This is a fast track with multiple grooves to race in. Will have a lot of drama to unfold.

If you have never watched nascar before all anyone ask is too just watch one race listen to the announcers. watch the racing action. check out the pit stops. then form any opinions you have..

next race
phoenix sunday 11:30 pacific 2:30 eastern on NBC times not verified check your local listings for that time or a half hour later

last race a new champion will be crowned
homestead miami sunday 11/19 check your local listings
I just may catch some of it, Diablo, thanks. You are right, it is not my thing but I can still apreciate a good athlete and good effort no matter what they do.
you have to catch at least 100 laps. At 190 mph shouldn't take that long.
That should cover some of the unflolding stories from pit road, also you should see a pit stop or two.
I used to be a big cup fan, now I can take-it-or-leave-it. The biggest reason being the soap opera-ism the sport has taken on reciently. I like the "rubbing" in NASCAR, but when someone cheats, intentionally takes someone out, crashes into another after the race or durring a yellowflag, I just don't understand why that is tolerated. Sure they get slaps on the wrist, but that is just B.S. for the cameras and the "NASCAR channel" (aka speed channel). You can not tollerate that stuff when your dealing with peoples lives. Just wait untill smoke gets passed by some rookie who has a newer tires, wrecks him, and kills the poor kid. Would "probation" be enough then?

I'm a huge motorsports fan partly because of the technology involved and the engineering competition between the teams especially the F1 camps. This is another reason for my discontent for NASCAR. They use carbuerators!!! CARBUERATORS!!! Think about that... Ford quit using them for the Mustang in 1985 (21 years ago). Don't get me wrong, I love OHV engines, but come on! A OHV on a race car?! They should be relegated to Hot Rods like the Vette. Now, my favorite one, a NASCAR (by rule) weighs 3400lbs an F1 car (by rule) is 1331 lbs. This is garbage, my Jeep Cherokee weighs 3200lbs (3400 with me in it) and my Acura RSX weighs 2700.

The politics of slowing down the cars is bogus. Let the teams dream, invent, and use grey areas. That is what "big guns" motorsports is about. This is an American series running in America, and NASCAR's answer to cost reduction and higher speeds is not Free.

hey poker is a better sport :p .
you make money AND you get to stay on a chair for hours and hours and you just move your eyes from left to right :lol: .

nnnnaaww i have to admit that i love poker :oops:, it's so addictive, you sweat a lot with the freaking hands people get and sometimes you can't believe how the heck they kept going after you betting so hard ....and they get to win with such a horrible hand :mad: :p ...............that's why i sort of quited the game :D :p
MechE! A man after my own heart! (except that's not a good thing)

I love racing. To me, the bottom of the barrel is drag racing, the top is either F1 or Rally. I'll take Roundy-round racing. I used to be involved in short track racing (super modifieds, asphalt), but have really acquired a love for tracks like Laguna Seca where there are rights and lefts, elevation changes, chicanes, and on and on. I admit, I watch it for the technology just as much as the racing itself. I've also wondered when NASCAR was going to ditch carbs and OHV. Iron V8s... really? Nobody even makes those any more, I don't think.

How 'bout a 19,500 RPM V10? Now you're talkin!
To me, the bottom of the barrel is drag racing

I love drag racing. As far as it being classifyed as racing, I guess it has to be, but IMO drag racing is as much racing as golf is a sport.
They need to take poker off of ESPN, thats just plain ridiculous, I mean I could maybe see if it was on once a week or something but its on like 6 or 7 times in a row everyday. Keep it on those other channels A&E,TLC or whatever.

What about Hockey eh..
shut-up gaby

i didn't say anything... Jason on the other hand :lol: .

They need to take poker off of ESPN, thats just plain ridiculous, I mean I could maybe see if it was on once a week or something but its on like 6 or 7 times in a row everyday. Keep it on those other channels A&E,TLC or whatever.

Hey hey ... hey hey :p dood they can show it somewhere else but TLC, i don't want them to stop showing surviving motherhood, a baby story, and bringing home baby :lol: :p.....uhhh and flip that house :lol: (no it's not that kind of flipping :lol:)

What about Hockey eh..

yeah eehh, whatever happened to showing the beaver cup :lol: