An Army of Tridacna's

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Jan 6, 2008
Gilbert, AZ
So I was thinking of redoing my refugium area. I have come across a couple of mogul based halide setups and was wondering. If I had a chance of recruiting an entire army (10) of clams would that aid with natural filtration. I have my regium packed full with chaeto right now however would like something to look at as well. Though I think I spend more time looking in my refugium then my display at all of the little creatures down there. I would like to have something a little more eye pleasing. Would the clams be able to pull enough of the nitrates out of the water or would it be counter balanced because of the increased livestock level. Or is this just another one of my non thought out ingenous thoughts.
I cant find u a link because im on my cellphone in the airport but look up "cryptic zone" and filtration and you should be able to find some info on systems that employ this. They are usually used in addition to refugiums.