And the Presidential decision is . . . . .

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My vote is for Ed!

Not for President but for "Ad interim" untill the next election!

Ad interim
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ad interim (ad int) is Latin for "temporarily" or "in the meantime." It also refers to a diplomatic officer who acts in place of an ambassador, as in the term "chargé d'affaires ad interim."

This bypasses any bylaws:), Does not put the prez title on Ed. If you can tell, he really does'nt want that title (IMO). But does make him the temporary "officer" for the position that is in limbo untill the dust settles.

If this is not a popular idea then I vote with the BOD secret ballot strategy.

Board of Directors secret ballot vote

As good an idea or better than any other. The board who does all the work gets to pick their own leader. If the pick turns out poorly, can worry about it later. The newly written bylaws will determine how the changes get voted on anyway, so there is no exposure to any choice. This isn't like the US where the Pres became a monarchy. Just picking a meeting leader and organizer.
How about a pay per view cage match of death? That way we could raise money, drink beer, and have a winner! No holds barred:evil::evil::evil::lol::lol::lol:
What kind of dancing is required?

I'd figure a chameleon-like skill of mastering different styles would be par for the course.

But I do like the idea of the BOD vote for exactly the reason HFF said:

The board who does all the work gets to pick their own leader.

AND, too:

This isn't like the US where the Pres became a monarchy. Just picking a meeting leader and organizer.

Precisely. It's not as though the new president would take over PSAS and instill their own "evil plan" or anything, just be a leader. It's not some military dictatorship.
It's not as though the new president would take over PSAS and instill their own "evil plan" or anything, just be a leader. It's not some military dictatorship.

Are you sure?!? Ive been a little worried about that..:lol:

Well put, It is just a hobby after all..
So I retallied the votes again and this is where we stand as of now. As far as I can decipher through the rhetoric and chaos.
52 posts for 10 votes

BOD vote 5
meeting member revote 3
Co-presidents 2

Feel free to double check and correct me.
Herefishyfishy doesnt get counted twice. On post 7 revote was agreed with but then again on post 45 Mike made a strong argument for BOD vote. I went with the BOD vote for you Mike. I hope that is what you are wanting.
That is the last count I have also. I have been trying hard to keep a tally.

While this thread has been very entertaining, I encourage those who have an opinion regarding the outcome to pick one of the 3 options that were offered. We will be taking the final tally as of midnight, so any post after midnight tonight don't count.
Herefishyfishy doesnt get counted twice. On post 7 revote was agreed with but then again on post 45 Mike made a strong argument for BOD vote. I went with the BOD vote for you Mike. I hope that is what you are wanting.

If it's not too late, please add my vote for a BOD decision:D

(sorry, just a hopeless smart bass)
and if i didnt make it clear, scince ed isnt interested in being prez, secret bod ballot is my vote.
may i suggest you could easily post a similar poll up in the psas bod forum and vote there privately:idea: