Anemone color

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I mean what I don't get is...if the anemone isn't doing that great then wouldn't it
A) move closer to the light
B) move around because the water parameters are "not mature"
C not eat because it's sick
It's not doomed i've had it for over a month and it has gotten HUGE
what you didn't see, most likely, is when it regurgitated the food because it was too big. Nothing larger than it's mouth - 1/4" max.

You need to consider the life of the nem and do as recommended it earlier threads, re-home the nem.
I don't leave the room after it eats normally because i'm on the computer and nothing gets regurgitates...the only thing ever regurgitated was a hard shell on the outside of a shrimp piece...and I have nowhere to rehome it.
Actually it expands and puffs out of the rock at night with all the lights off after it has been fed a few hours before and its tentacles poof out and get larger too
As a keeper of a reef, you have a responsibility to the organisms you put into your tank to provide the proper environment and nutrition. At the risk of sounding ugly (and I really don't mean to be) - if you are unable or unwilling, you are part of the problem, not the solution.
I am willing but there's nothing I can do other than continue feeding it like I am and leaving the light on as long as possible...although today I only did about 9-10 hours because one of the guys on here said to reduce the photo period.
Okay not to sound rude and like an A$$. but you've asked us about your nem, we have provided the best possible answers on what is wrong with it. Now regardless how much you want to think the nem is doing good. We're trying to tell you in a friendly way the it's not doing good. It's dying a slow death. it doesn't look healthy, do the poor thing a favor and find it a new suitable home or take it back to the LFS.

If your not going to take the advice of others that have many more years and experience in this hobby then stop asking. Just because the advice you're getting isn't what you want to hear doesn't make it bad advice. We're all trying to help you the best that we can, but you need to follow the advice provided.

Again not trying to be a A$$ here, but it's frustrating trying to help some one that is asking but not following the advice. It's like talking to a wall..
since this is turning in to a flame fest buddy ill side with you...

first thing you need to address is your lighting you need like another 50watts or so... maybe try to get some Of thos T5 nova lights you could just sit that on top of something..

also try to switch to Frozen silver side from Ocean Nut (much better)

the zooxanthellae will only come back when enough lighting is there to support them... At that time the Anonome will feed it self, thats when your gonna see it move around and stuff.

its probly a little weak right now and cant use the energy to move cause its useing it to eat.

what are you water conditions?

also if you notice that that the anonome gets stringy or looks melted....
Remove it!
I don't leave the room after it eats normally because i'm on the computer and nothing gets regurgitates...the only thing ever regurgitated was a hard shell on the outside of a shrimp piece...and I have nowhere to rehome it.

It may not be regurgitating, but the large pieces are still not good for your anemone. Their digestive system isnt the best for digesting large pieces. They often expel more energy than they gain while trying to digest... An occasional larger piece of food isnt going to kill them but it isnt doing them much good. Feeding smaller particles will be much better for your anemone, AND your nitrates
since this is turning in to a flame fest buddy ill side with you...

first thing you need to address is your lighting you need like another 50watts or so... maybe try to get some Of thos T5 nova lights you could just sit that on top of something..

also try to switch to Frozen silver side from Ocean Nut (much better)

the zooxanthellae will only come back when enough lighting is there to support them... At that time the Anonome will feed it self, thats when your gonna see it move around and stuff.

its probly a little weak right now and cant use the energy to move cause its useing it to eat.

what are you water conditions?

also if you notice that that the anonome gets stringy or looks melted....
Remove it!

I wanted to comment that I don't see any flaming going on....and I'd like to keep it that way :). I see frustrated members trying their best to help joker understand, but no flaming. Joker, please listen carefully to what people are trying to teach you. Not only with your anemone, but with your fish, as well. I noticed some threads regarding sick fish, too, and I don't want you knocking yourself in the head later (after the losses of livestock) saying, "If I only would have listened...". Remember these are live animals that need us to provide them with the best care we can.

Back to the thread at hand. Let's see some more helpful posts. Why don't we try and come up with a plan for joker to help his anemone out. Joker, if we come up with a structured plan for you, will you be willing to try out the advice given? We'll probably have to see pictures along the way to tell if the anemone is gaining back its zooxanthellae populations. You have a couple of very experienced anemone keepers on this thread that I would ask for advice on anemone care (if I ever decided to mix anemones and corals ;) lolol) let's see what kind of plan they and others can come up with.

What have you been doing to lower your nitrates?
Well I've been doing drip acclimation for new fish and replacing the water with RO as sort of a "kill 2 birds with 1 stone" type deal. I can't take it back to the pet store because last time I returned an anemone to get the one I have now it died...their lighting is HORRIBLE. Thank you NaH20 and yes if you advise a plan for me I will do it, but returning the anemone is simply out of the question. I had my levels checked last night when I ran to the pet store and the guy said they were perfect but i'm going again today.

ph 8.2
SG 1.025
ammon 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0-10
calc 400-410
Kh 11-12
joker - I'm confused by this statement, can you clarify exactly what you are doing?

joker577 said:
I've been doing drip acclimation for new fish and replacing the water with RO as sort of a "kill 2 birds with 1 stone" type deal.

Are you trying to do hyposalinity while you are acclimating the fish?
Ok well I placed the clown I got Friday in a 1 gallon pitcher and drip acclimated it for an hour and a half which used about 1 gallon of tank water, so I used RO water to fill the tank back up...about a 10% change there. well since my clown got sick i took it back in exchange for a very healthy one (my mom doesn't have my eyes lol ) so i got a very beautiful one last night and there was no way to setup QT for it because i didn't have the heater for it in there anymore and the water was freezing and im using the airline tubing for the air pump for drip acclimation so...and I did the same as friday and replaced it with another gallon..VIOLA 2 10% water changes in 3 days