Anemone color

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Well atleast your nice about it decision is to get the Sapphire nano skimmer for the Biocube 29 (specific name) and it will go in the 2nd chamber
Now if in two weeks my nitrates are down to zero can I see some zooxanthellae returning to the anemone?
Because I'm tired of being the only one on this forum who gets crap for doing two things wrong

Joker, I wish I had done only two things wrong! :) Don't take the feed back personally, this is about reef tanks, not people.

Reef geeks are passionate about the hobby and spend a lot of time sharing with others their experiences - good and bad - so we can ALL learn. If they didn't want to HELP, they certainly wouldn't take the time to type out very verbose responses with explanations.

The more people that are successful in this hobby, the better it is for the natural reefs. (i.e. aquaculture not harvesting from the reefs)

One thing we have done while we are in the process of converting our green house to a coral farm is set up short and long term goals. Then, decide what you can spend and when. THEN start putting things together to get to where you want to be as you can afford to build and maintain.
I am dealing with a BTA too. Actually it split a week ago. It is bleached also. I thought I was feeding it enough. I am just going to tag along your thread and hope to learn as much as I can. My lfs does not want my anemones back and I understand why. So my job is to get them from white to flesh color again.

Good luck tank is over a year old but nitrates run 20-40ppm I think this is a major problem. I did a major cleaning without disturbing any soft coral and will test again in the morning. IMHO nitrates hide in dirty rocks and sand.
My sand is crystal and I have a large cleaning skimmer will be ordered next week or by the end of this week
I was going to say earlier, that i hoped you had a good skimmer cause when it dies in the tank you will need it.
joker - take a turkey baster or powerhead, and blast your live rock. You'll see what Damsel13 is talking about. Detritus will come flying out....all of which can contribute to a nutrient problem.

As far as how long it will take your anemone to start to color up. Its hard for me to say for sure. Let's work on getting your nitrates down, give it a few weeks and see where we're at with an updated picture.
The goal should be getting nitrates down to zero. I don't think a skimmer alone will accomplish that. To do this you need to remove the nitrates (by water changes or cheato) and limit what you are adding. Feed your fish less food more often so they eat every crumb. Any feeding of the anenome should be target fed with a turkey baster so all the food goes to the anenome, you can also put a container over the anenome while feeding so that all the food stays in close proximity.

The problem you will really be fighting is you need to feed the anemone, but you also need to lower nitrates. Sort of a rock and a hard place, so you need a good export strategy such as a skimmer and/or cheato. I would research the cheato idea as it did wonders for my tank, but I have a sump full of the stuff. When you do water changes use a tooth brush and scrub the rocks and siphon out what comes off the rocks. It is sort of a challenge but you can hold the hose end and toothbrush in one hand and it really works pretty good, this will help remove stuff before it becomes nitrates.

Well I asked about setting up a refugium a few posts back but was told the 2nd chamber in the compartment was too small to be an efficient chaeto nitrate removal...and my nitrates are at 20 which I mean I know that's somewhat high but seems handleable by a skimmer?
It would have to be the one I showed because it was designed for the biocube and fits in the back compartment. And McVicker I only feed it pieces of shrimp so I don't really need to cover it with anything
Another idea, Do you have the option of setting up a sump? This would allow you to get a larger skimmer without having to spend a lot money on a nano specific skimmer. This would also allow you enough space also to create refug. that would be effective. The extra water volume is always a plus with any tank.

The sump could be as simple as a 5 gallon buck. All you'd need is a some sort of overflow and return pump. I think you've stated you have 29g cube. A small pump like a MAG3-5 would probably for return. Depending on the head loss etc. I have a MAG2 I'd be more than willing to give you, but I don't think it would be big enough.

Again just an idea.
Well I can't really setup a sump with the cube although I have thought of ways and none seem possible, My return pump now is only 242 GPH and an extra 117 GPH powerhead for extra movement..i've wanted to upgrade but i'm saving up for the skimmer. From what i've heard the sapphires are very good and efficient and get a ton of gunk in the collection cups
Which Nano Cube do you have? The JBJ, Aquapod? I'm just trying to figure out something you could do for very little money and would help you out in the long run. Or even a temporary thing until you can do to get your levels in check. Keeping things in check is the hardest thing to do in these little Nano's since they have such a small water volume.
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Just looked this up. It's noted to have a integrated wet/dry type filtration system. Does it have some sort of bio-wheel or some sort of other media in one of the chambers? Just wondering since wet/dry type of filters can become a Nitrate producing factory. IE: Bio-balls are great for what they do but they are almost to affect at doing it and can produce a lot of nitrates for you.

Do you think you can take some pictures of the chambers and the media you have in there?

