Anemone foodstuffs

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I'm giving the small thin pieces of the raw unsalted grocery seafood and its mixes. Shrimp and fish, mostly. Sometimes frozen food from LFS: pieces of krill or Ocean Plankton, sometimes Marine Cuisine.
It is for condy and tube anemones.
i feed mine one single (half cut most of the time) silver side....

ive seen nemo go back 2 his home, and spit out some of his food... kinda like hes feeding his nem,
i dont feed my nem... but maybe once a month...
its more a snack.
i feed mine one single (half cut most of the time) silver side....

ive seen nemo go back 2 his home, and spit out some of his food... kinda like hes feeding his nem,

my female gsm shares mysis with my gbta

I've also direct fed some mysis too,
Bubble tips arent really fish eaters. I would not reccomend feeding it, (Or any other anemone for that matter), silversides. I've heard waaaaay too many horror storys of bad silversides causing anemone losses.

Click the link in my signature for the RF resource library. Go to the invertebrate section and look up anemones. You'll find lots of helpful info there.

Bubble tips arent really fish eaters. I would not reccomend feeding it, (Or any other anemone for that matter), silversides. I've heard waaaaay too many horror storys of bad silversides causing anemone losses.

Click the link in my signature for the RF resource library. Go to the invertebrate section and look up anemones. You'll find lots of helpful info there.


Not to start any arguments or anything...just giving my opinion ;) We got this RBTA about 5 months ago and he was about the size of a silver dollar maybe smaller. The LFS actually gave me a discount because he didn't think he was going to make it (was actually probably just getting rid of it because he had it forever):


I would feed it a silverside or 2 ever 3 days and now that sucker is big enough to host 2 picassos and actually recently moved from one hole in the rock to another because it was probably to big for the first one. Right now its about the size of a saucer.


I have a GBTA in my 80 gal tank which would not come out much at all and was fairly small. I have started to target feed him the same as the above RBTA and he has actually doubled in size. I'm thinking of maybe trying to introduce a Anenome crab similar to this:

(if anyone has any info on where to get one appreciate a pm)

I also have a buddy and I do this as well...take a baster and suck up a thawed out square of brine shrimp, squid, mysis shrimp etc and just squirt it on the anenome. Variety is what really matters I guess. This probably has not worked for others but for works great. Good luck.
I feed mine finely chopped up Prime Reef Formula 1 once a week (less than 1/2 tsp) and feed the tank and BTA frozen Cyclops from a turkey baster a couple times a week. It was maybe the size of a 50 cent piece 3-4 months ago and now its 2.5 X that size now. I think the clown that hosts in it brings it little treats now then as well. I haven't asked him what he's feeding it though :)
i asked my nemo what he feeds his home.. and he said

"what ever i have to throw back up"
(there was some bad words in there 3)

(but ill leave it at that... nemo;s mean)