Annual BBQ/Frag Swap!! August Meeting - August 13th.

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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As Joanne said, we'll have some great raffle items, door prizes and food!

If at all possible, to help us plan, it'd be helpful to know how many people will be attending, or at least get an estimate.

If you do plan on attending, please post, here in this thread.

Angie will probably be making a pasta salad and a macaroni salad.

We'll also get the paper plates, eating utensils and some beverages.
I've just finished setting up the 40 breeder, outside, instead of the 100 gallon stock tank. Since I have an extra 40 breeder, I figured it'd work better, for a few reasons.

1. being glass, instead of BLACK, I figure it'll be easier to keep cool, in this hot weather.

2. I don't have to make so much saltwater, to fill

3. It'll be easier for people to see the corals, instead of just having a "top down" view.

The only possible disadvantage...I sure hope there's enough room! Last year, we sure had A LOT of corals, in the 100 gallon stock tank!
I have 2 extra 40 breeders....and 2 extra 400 gallon acrylic tanks I could bring LOL. It all just depends on how many corals you want to display!
My first meeting! I'm so excited!:dance:

We're excited to have you join us!

I have 2 extra 40 breeders....and 2 extra 400 gallon acrylic tanks I could bring LOL. It all just depends on how many corals you want to display!

Seth, I guess that depends on how many corals are coming over the mountains, with you guys! lol

Last year, I set up a 100 gallon stock tank. We had issues with it getting too hot, since it's black and outside. However, it sure had A LOT of corals in it!

This year, I've set up a 40 breeder, with some frag racks. Still outside, but in an area where it gets a bit less sun. I just filled it, yesterday, with freshwater, and will see what the temperature does, throughout today. If it looks good, I'll fill it with saltwater, this evening. If needed, I can always make room in one of our tanks.
Reminder...BBQ/Frag Swap is this Saturday!!

It's going to be a great time!

For those coming, from our neighboring clubs, we're planning a lil' tour of one of our club sponsors, earlier in the day. At this point, the plan is to meet up, at our house, everyone will pile into our Suburban and we'll head up to CoralProps greenhouse, about noon(ish).

Also, if anyone has Aiptasia, you're welcome to bring it!! Gotsta feed

Hmmm, if I get time, today, I'll try to take some pictures, of the some of the frags that will be up for raffle!
Ok so give me te times that this is going on?? Like what time it starts, end, so on.


I'll be there by noon! Don't leave without us. I plan on paying the membership fee an joining the club during the BBQ. :)
I'll be there by noon! Don't leave without us. I plan on paying the membership fee an joining the club during the BBQ. :)

Sounds great! If at all possible, can you be here about 11:30? The "Noon(ish)" was meant to mean when we're planning to arrive at However, we'll wait for you! Sending you a PM, right now, with my contact information.
The 3 head duncan will actually be a 4 head frag, and I am adding in a cool black tunicate as well.
Ok so give me te times that this is going on?? Like what time it starts, end, so on.



Too lazy to read the entire thread huh? lol

The meeting will start at 3:00 PM and ends, well, whenever the last person leaves. However, for those neighboring club members, who want, we've planned a lil' tour of CoralProps green house, one of our club sponsors, for earlier in the day. The plan is for out of town folks to show up at our home, at about 11:00-11:30ish. Then we'll all pile into our Suburban, or as many vehicles as it takes, and drive up north, to CoralProps, which is about 20 minutes north of our house.

So, as a short recap:

Annual BBQ/Frag Swap.
August 13th @ 3:00PM

1504 W. Alice Ave.
Spokane, WA 99205

All are welcome to attend! Please bring any extra chairs, if you have them, and possibly a side dish and/or beverages, if you'd like.

We'll have lots of great food!
We'll have lots of great friends!
We'll have TONS of "door prizes!"
We'll have some great Frag Packs, to Raffle off!

Bring frags to trade/sell/give away
Take frags home!

Kids are more than welcome to attend and Madison's pool will be set up, so bring towels and swim suits, for children.

Adult beverages are "allowed," so please bring your "responsibility" with you!

Mojo, it'd be great to have you here! You and Charlie can camp out in the back
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Just two more days until the BBQ!! :)

We have PILES of door prizes - I received an awesome gift box just the other day from Zoomed to add more treasures to the kitty :)

On that note, I'd like to thank the following companies for their support of our club with door prize donations for this year's BBQ:
Bluelife who donated their Carbon, GarlicRX, and filter socks Blue Life | Welcome
Coralgasm donated some awesome drink cozies, and a sample of Coral Smoothie Coralgasm | Purveyor of fine corals
Zoomed who has donated piles of food supplements, 24" T5 bulbs, and even a few treasures for you herp and freshwater people Zoo Med Laboratories | #1 Reptile Products Worldwide -- Welcome to Zoo Med
Dr Tims Aquatics who donated their nitrate reduction and bacterial supplement products DrTims Home

Hope to see everyone there, looks like the weather is going to be perfect (and hot!) Saturday. :)
Tomorrow!!! Can't wait!!!

Hope lots of people show up, bringing lots of frags!!

For those of you, who were here, last year, I've purchased an EXTRA propane

Angie and I will be doing some last minute preparations, today and we're both looking forward to seeing everyone!

Let's get lots of local members here, to give a warm welcome to our neighboring club members, from Puget Sound area, Tri-Cities and Montana clubs!

Oh and if you've got any Aiptasia available....

I really have no

Unfortunately, we haven't had a lot of feedback, to the threads, though we are getting feedback, from the emails you've sent out and on FB.

Last year, we also didn't have a lot of feedback, but still have approximately 50 people show up.

Soooo, for those of you out there, who are planning on attending, PLEASE let us know, by posting in this thread, or the thread on our club site, Annual BBQ/Frag Swap!! August Meeting - August 13th. or the Poll that Joanne set up, Will we see you at the BBQ/Frag Swap Saturday??

As of now, I know of at least 10 people, who have said they plan to attend, but have NOT posted, on any of the Does make it a lil' difficult to go grocery shopping! BUT, as we did last year, we'll make it work and it'll be GREAT!!