Another Crappy Day!

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Remeber the threads I started, The Bahamas sucks part 1 and 2 which dealt with the crappy service with my new laptop??? Well, I am still having the same issues with the computer after sending it away for almost 2 months to be repaired and now the power cord has to be positioned exactly right or it won't charge. I came home today, the housekeeper moved the cable and I messed with it for 30 mins straight trying to get the power light to come on and nothing...So I "cocked" back to put my fist through the thing and my wife says, No!!! Walk away!! :eek: :lol: So I did...I jumped in the car and went and bought me a brand new Dell with a flat screen, little subwoofer and everything!!! Screw it man!!!!(LOL) We got the laptop operational again, but not sure for how long so I'm going to set up the new computer now. Whatever you do, don't buy Toshiba or Compaq and never in the Bahamas!!!!(LOL) They suck monkey butt!!!! :lol: See you'll later!!!! Hopefully there won't be a Bahamas sucks part 3 after setting up the dell:D
So I "cocked" back to put my fist through the thing and my wife says, No!!! Walk away!!

ok i'm lost ...... what does cocked means :lol: :lol: ? i have heard the word somewhere else but not this way :lol: .

bought me a brand new Dell with a flat screen,

i thought they were all flat screen i guess i was wrong :lol: :p.

Well i'm glad you got another laptop dood it was about time :D.
Whatever you do, don't buy Toshiba or Compaq and never in the Bahamas
Relax, it has nothing to do with the Bahamas. They suck everywhere.
ok i'm lost ...... what does cocked means ? i have heard the word somewhere else but not this way .
Keep the gun cocked and the temple clean? :shock: If that is not what you mean then rub your belly:D
Relax, it has nothing to do with the Bahamas. They suck everywhere

yeah dood don't you see that he's trying to sell his .... he's never gonna sell it with that attitude of yours :lol:
Here yeah go Gaby,

v. cocked, cock·ing, cocks
v. tr.
To set the hammer of (a firearm) in a position ready for firing.
To set (a device, such as a camera shutter) in a position ready for use.
To tilt or turn up or to one side, usually in a jaunty or alert manner: cocked an eyebrow in response to a silly question.
To raise in preparation to throw or hit: cocked the bat before swinging at the pitch.

Never sold fish stuff on ebay. I sell stuff like a grilled cheese sandwich with a impression of gumby on it. You know the big money items. I have about 75-100 frags I need to move. I may try ebay. Opps just had a flashback. No ebay for me.
Here yeah go Gaby,

v. cocked, cock·ing, cocks
v. tr.
To set the hammer of (a firearm) in a position ready for firing.
To set (a device, such as a camera shutter) in a position ready for use.
To tilt or turn up or to one side, usually in a jaunty or alert manner: cocked an eyebrow in response to a silly question.
To raise in preparation to throw or hit: cocked the bat before swinging at the pitch.

ahhh now i get it, Thank you James .... this mexican still needs help with her english :) .

Never sold fish stuff on ebay. I sell stuff like a grilled cheese sandwich with a impression of gumby on it. You know the big money items. I have about 75-100 frags I need to move. I may try ebay. Opps just had a flashback. No ebay for me.

LMBO!! so you're the guy who bought some kidney stones from that famous actor eh :lol: :lol: .
ROFL! It's not a laptop Gabby...It's a desktop this time. :D Cocked back is what you do with your arm before you hit something. Just like a gun!:p This computer rocks man!!! It is superfast! Hopefully this one lasts otherwise I'd have to try out yet another brand:p
yeah.. I did, Hopefully she doesn't need help with the definition of the word.

yeah good thing you gave me the definitions :D .

Krish just remember that it's not for sitting on it OR testing water :D .
ROFL! I still don't see where you said I said I got a laptop. Ease up on the cough syrup Gabbs(LOL)

LMBO!!! sorry dood my bad i thought you did.... i seriously need some new glasses dood and this is the third time... darn it !!! .
First the card for the in law, then the other card for Dark Fader and now this !!! ........bare with me people bare with me :lol: :lol: .
I told you to stop sending me that bahamian algae :lol: !!
I really really like my tricked out Toshiba laptop. I did spend a heck of alot of money on it. I got exactly what I wanted. Its lighting fast, awesome in everyway except sound wise. I got my desktop for that though. This is my play around with, take in the truck for business, sit and play poker, check R.F. and watch t.v. and my fish tank at the same time computer. Oh yeah go sit in the gazebo outside and surf the web toy. Sorry yours sucked man. I also have a Toshiba H.D. wide screen I really like alot. I hate dell. LOL
I have a dell desktop case that is now filled with every single slot, power supply, hard drive, processer and what not replacement parts. Its hopped up now. It was constantly broke till everything has been replaced. Now it just says Dell. LOL
LOL...This one will hopefully say more than that:p My Toshiba is worse than my 75gal was with heat! I had to prop it up 6 inches, put a 6 inch desk fan to blow on it and it would still cut off with all of that and the bedroom set to 72F! Had it fixed, and did the same crap a few weeks later, then the power cord became a schizophrenic (sp) :p So I got fed up with the whole thing. :D