Another Crappy Day!

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Hey Krish, if you realllllly don't like it down there, I have a pretty nice house in Upper East Tennessee Mountains. We could swap.

Just back from lfs. Bought water for change. They have a 75 gal tank that hasnt had the trim painted! It also has a pipe coming in the back side already, which would give me a boost on "hiding all the crap". I asked what he would sell for. They just moved into a really big $$$$$$ facility, should be great! He wanted 75, said he would take 50, I offered 30 and he said 40, I said sold.

My question can I change tanks in one day while my husband is at work for 12 hrs.??? LOLOLOLOL

Good price??

Hey Krish, if you realllllly don't like it down there, I have a pretty nice house in Upper East Tennessee Mountains. We could swap.

LOL...I don't think I'd ever leave this place regardless of the fact it is screwed up in some ways:p

My question can I change tanks in one day while my husband is at work for 12 hrs.??? LOLOLOLOL

LOL...Get some big rubbermaid garbage bins and use a pump and pump the water into the bins and then setup the new tank and pump it back into the new one. That's basically what I did when I swapped from my 90gal to the 75gal. The only difference was I used my friends empty 75gal and pumped my 90gal into it on the floor, put my fish and rocks in that one while I swapped the 90 out for the new 75gal and then pumped from my friends tank back into my new one. It took my friend and I about 2 1/2 - 3 hours tops! $40 is a great price as well:D
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Jail!!! Not me:p My guy got out this afternoon. What made things worse was he painted the bb gun black so people thought it was real :eek:
Just what to the hurricanes kick in.:mad: Hey Krish. I tried to catch you last night before you left for the Purple Penguin. They make an adaptor so you can plug your laptop HD into your desktops IDE cable. If you are having problems getting data off this would make it really easy.;)
Thanks Brenden, but I don't really have a problem with getting the files off. The problem is the computer won't stay on long because it has a heat issue so until the room gets to 22F...No votes:p I got them all off last night finally so I'm going to donate a reef to the Bahamas:D
is it really true Krish that the jail is on the beach and volleyball is mandatory?? if i come visit will your employee lend me his gun???do visitors get clubmed type bungalows, oh well in a few years ill retire in Malaysia the land of :got money,can do:
LOL! You don't want to visit jail here...It is rated in the top 5 worse in the world! It's insane!!!!:eek: When you see the place, you tend to forget why the people are in there and start to feel a bit sorry for them. They had my brother in law locked up in there for 6 weeks for murder which he got off because the guy who really did it, confessed and it was a case of mistaken identity, but my sister and I went to visit and you have to be a strong person to be able to hold it together there. He wasn't even convicted or anything and was in a cell 23 hours per day, they only give you 1 meal a day which is white rice and tuna (so if you want more food, your family has to bring it as well as drinks), no ac, no fans, no lights, no bed (just concrete floors) and a bucket you have to share with whoever is in the cell with you that they only change every few days:eek: It's a disgrace and everyone fears going there...
Yeah...I breaks a lot of people and "deters" repeat offenders. The problem is, the Bahamas is considered a Christian nation, so they don't really have hangings, electrocutions etc. Some people are trying to push for it, but the Christian councel fights back against it...
If the Bahama's is considered a Christian nation they should do what the Bible says. Am I missing something?
Genesis 9:6:
"Whosoever sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man."
Yeah...They only choose to accept whatever is convienient for them. I don't get into debating politics or Religion with anyone. People have a one track mind and are set in their ways so it's no use saying anything. I don't even care who runs for Prime Minister or anything because IMO, they are all the same.
I agree. The Bible is used by politicians just like the economy etc. They use it to reel in the votes. Most politicians that claim to be christian etc only go through the motions to get votes. In their real world it is a different story.
Yup! A Bishop here was on the Bahamian news a few months ago for being arrested for messing around with an under aged girl in the Church. I don't trust any of them!
IMO a catholic and a Christian are two completely different things. I think you have to molest a child to become a bishop.