another upgrade from a 55 to 100

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hey dood that's a start :) .
and i like how healthy it looks, if i could only show you mine :oops: , like i said some of my big tubes look whiteish :( and i'm feeding every day.
Oh and don't forget that they are not suppose to be on the sand dood and if you are gonna have it there, just put egg crate under it or something so they don't touch the sand.
Like i was told, just use a little tiny bit of caned tuna juice (water kind) and blow it over the polips, but you gotta do it every day right right at the same time and after that, once they open feed them.
it can take a few weeks or like me, the next day :) ... at least the baby ones came out right away.
Susie told me she put the sun polyps in an easy to access place on the substrate and for feeding put a 2 liter pop bottle with the bottom cut off over it, then squirted some frozen food juice in to get the polyps open, then squirted in some live baby brine shrimp or similar small foods that don't sink. When the coral has eaten you can lift the pop bottle off and let the fish eat the rest.

Saw the tank last night when I got the 55, it looks awesome. Love the clowns! I like the way the rocks are not all against the back wall, I do that and it's terrible for flow. The fish seem to really enjoy the layout too. I like the electric green carpet and once all those coral settle in and open up it will be really colorful.

Electrokate said:
Susie told me she put the sun polyps in an easy to access place on the substrate and for feeding put a 2 liter pop bottle with the bottom cut off over it, then squirted some frozen food juice in to get the polyps open, then squirted in some live baby brine shrimp or similar small foods that don't sink. When the coral has eaten you can lift the pop bottle off and let the fish eat the rest.

Saw the tank last night when I got the 55, it looks awesome. Love the clowns! I like the way the rocks are not all against the back wall, I do that and it's terrible for flow. The fish seem to really enjoy the layout too. I like the electric green carpet and once all those coral settle in and open up it will be really colorful.


thanks kate,for the advise on feeding the sun coral and tanks for the nice comment on the tank:D
spongebob lover said:
ohh yeah for feeding i use this and it works great dood, you really don't get wet unless you gotta take him out of a cave and i think this is what kate is talking about.
Nikki gave me the link and trust me after i lift it, the shrimp cleans after

thanks for the wed site i'll try it out and see if it works.i try feeding the sun coral some tune juice already,it come out but not fully open.hopefully this will work.:|
oh by the way kate,i can wait to see the 55gal went it all setup,keep me posted on the progress:Di hope u like the new tank:)

Felt too sick to do much today, unfortunately. Tomorrow will buy a couple valves so I can turn off the overflow/return tubes and at least get the sand and some water in the tank. The sump is currently a freshwater tank so will have to take that down and relocate fish and plants. So much work... Hope I am not sick then too! Looking forward to getting it up and rescuing some critters.

Far as sun coral go... Unfortunately all the coral that are not photosynthetic are a lot of work. Some people are getting away with feeding sun coral only 3-4 times a week, others say feed daily. People with very large systems and refugiums don't specifically feed at all. Most people burn out on them pretty quickly because of all the work. I noticed that my chili coral which are also non photosynthetic are kind of happy now, they open up even with the lights on in the 50. So I fed them some baby brine shrimp today. I think chili coral are easier, especially if near the bottom. I have some mysid shrimp that hang out right where the coral feed and probably are their prime source of food. I should definitely give you some of them, they are great food.
The other unfun thing about sun coral is they are not connected so each polyp needs to be fed. Otherwise you could just drop a few pieces of food on the top polyp and be done with it! Gorgonians are connected, feeding one polyp feeds the whole thing, course what one polyp can eat might not be enough.

Your house was so neat, I can't stop thinking about how much I need to do to clean mine up :) Soon as I feel better and get all these fish chores done... ha ha ha, they are never done! Should have showed you the fishroom, it's totally clean. I seem to be only able to clean one or two rooms at a time. Good thing we don't have kids or it would be 10 times worse. Course then I would have a better excuse :)
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Electrokate said:
Felt too sick to do much today, unfortunately. Tomorrow will buy a couple valves so I can turn off the overflow/return tubes and at least get the sand and some water in the tank. The sump is currently a freshwater tank so will have to take that down and relocate fish and plants. So much work... Hope I am not sick then too! Looking forward to getting it up and rescuing some critters.

Far as sun coral go... Unfortunately all the coral that are not photosynthetic are a lot of work. Some people are getting away with feeding sun coral only 3-4 times a week, others say feed daily. People with very large systems and refugiums don't specifically feed at all. Most people burn out on them pretty quickly because of all the work. I noticed that my chili coral which are also non photosynthetic are kind of happy now, they open up even with the lights on in the 50. So I fed them some baby brine shrimp today. I think chili coral are easier, especially if near the bottom. I have some mysid shrimp that hang out right where the coral feed and probably are their prime source of food. I should definitely give you some of them, they are great food.
The other unfun thing about sun coral is they are not connected so each polyp needs to be fed. Otherwise you could just drop a few pieces of food on the top polyp and be done with it! Gorgonians are connected, feeding one polyp feeds the whole thing, course what one polyp can eat might not be enough.

Your house was so neat, I can't stop thinking about how much I need to do to clean mine up :) Soon as I feel better and get all these fish chores done... ha ha ha, they are never done! Should have showed you the fishroom, it's totally clean. I seem to be only able to clean one or two rooms at a time. Good thing we don't have kids or it would be 10 times worse. Course then I would have a better excuse :)

i may have to take u up on that offer w/ the shimp stuff and don't worry on the house thing,with the job i have your house is clean:) i seen worse houses
that even u could damn:lol:
i like to know do i have to always feed my sun coral this way?

well the tuna is until it starts opening fully after that, you can wake it up with the food you are gonna feed, but they will open on their own if you feed them every day at the exact same time.
Kate is right, you gotta make sure you are feeding each polyp because otherwise some are gonna starve and you are gonna end up with a sun coral looking like mine all white and ugly.
I'd say feed them every day until you see they open fully, then may be you can lower a little bit down the feeding.
If you got any brine or misys shrimp it's good, I'm feeding mine frozen cyclo peeze and the baby ones seem to like it.
hey gaby thanks for the little insite on the thing a ma jig we should start making this feeding jug so we will stop asking for donation.i made one today at lunch break after i had a whole bottle of pop man i was full.:lol: but damn i was and still impressed on how this works.:D
hey gaby thanks for the little insite on the thing a ma jig we should start making this feeding jug so we will stop asking for donation.i made one today at lunch break after i had a whole bottle of pop man i was full. but damn i was and still impressed on how this works.

yeah dood, i think this thing would make us rich and famous :D .
I mean you get less wet :p and who likes that.
well guys and gals decided to go on a road trip today first stop was @ indoor reef.just to check out what they have as far as corals and fish,but while i was looking @ the stuff i saw a knop cal i ended up talking to paul and the other guys in the shop about it and damn they give me the inside out of this reactor and how to hook up the tubes,etc,etc,:D they even offer to give me a co2 bottle and a used regutor till my stuff came in:D damn good service:D oh they even offer me to call after hour if i had any trouble with call me a sucker but i ended up buying the set-up:D

i thank the staff @ indoor reef for the great service and with guys like that who needs them instruction:lol:without them i'm really going to lose my hair:lol: here some pictures when i first got it home and when i got it all setup

thanks tony