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Sparks said:
What's your favorite wrasse?

Is that a new tool that Sears carries that I dont know about????? Is that like a tork wrench???? :lol:

Same question
200 bucks for an enchinata colony.

same question

edit: oops wrong reply

Favorite wrasse would be: C. rhomboidalis

same question
favorite shark??? the one that doens't eat me :p :lol: .
hmm i like those whale sharks, they dont' eat humans and dont' remind me of jaws :lol: .

same question
extreme heat... i love the sun, getting my skin all burned :D ( i know i'm a freak), not being able to breathe because the air is to dry... so yeah extreme heat.

same question.
extreme can defeat the cold with clothing, heat you can't(lived in hell...i mean texas for a loooong time)

thong or granny panties?
LOL!!! right now it's granny panties since i'm pregnant :shock: :p :lol: , but i usually wear normal panties... not for nothing but those thongs feel weird :lol: .

same question just because i can't think of anythign right now :lol:
enough of men wearing granny undies!

I'm not sure if I'm saying this right, but anyways...Are you "organic"(you know like you don't believe in using deodrant etc and just going natural)?
I'm not sure if I'm saying this right, but anyways...Are you "organic"(you know like you don't believe in using deodrant etc and just going natural)?

LMBO!!! i'm a hippie so yeah no deodorant :lol: :lol: :lol: ..... just joking .
no, i always wear dehodorant :D.

how do you tell/explain your spouse,girlfriend,other half etc. when you need something for the fish tank and you know it's expensive.... do you go ..... ohh honey you're so beautiful, hey i need this for the fish tank bla bla bla .... :D, what do you say?
spongebob lover said:
how do you tell/explain your spouse,girlfriend,other half etc. when you need something for the fish tank and you know it's expensive.... do you go ..... ohh honey you're so beautiful, hey i need this for the fish tank bla bla bla .... :D, what do you say?

You don't say just sneak it in there...:lol: My ex was opposed to me turning my FO tank into a I had to sneak it in piece by piece without her noticing...a rock here, a piece of equipment took well over a year, but she never noticed the change immediately....I say just do it...its always easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission...LOL

same question...
That's good.. I/we have seperate checking accounts so. My play money is mine, hers is hers. I don't complain about what she buys, she don't complain about what I buy.

Same question.. cannot think of anything else right now.
I guess I am just lucky. Tiff is real understanding of my addiction to fish.
Does anyone else get this reaction to psuedoephidrine?
Awake, but sleepy, muscles all cramped up, no possible way to sleep, just toss and turn, sorta start to fall asleep, then wake back up. This is driving me nuts. I hate medicine.
I can't stand to take pseudoephedrine! It makes me all jittery and feeling strange. I'm just getting over a horrible cold...I decided to suffer without the sudafed.

When I need something expensive for the tank....I just say I have to have it, or else something in my tank could die and I'd be really sad, or I'd get so much more benefit from the item, that things in my tank would look so great!

Gabby - you must be buying the wrong kind of thongs if they feel weird. AND, you can wear them when you're pregnant...they fit perfect under the big belly. Who wants panty lines?

What's your favorite professional sport to watch live?