spongebob lover
flea whisperer
I guess I am just lucky. Tiff is real understanding of my addiction to fish.
Does anyone else get this reaction to psuedoephidrine?
Awake, but sleepy, muscles all cramped up, no possible way to sleep, just toss and turn, sorta start to fall asleep, then wake back up. This is driving me nuts. I hate medicine.
ouch dood
Gabby - you must be buying the wrong kind of thongs if they feel weird. AND, you can wear them when you're pregnant...they fit perfect under the big belly. Who wants panty lines?
LMBO!!! :lol: well the whole dental floss doesn't do it for me :lol:, i can't believe you can wear them during pregnancy :shock: , but nowdays i guess you can wear anything .
Hmm nowdays i guess my favorite "professional" sport to watch and since it's now consider a sport is .... poker. I like watching the world poker tour, sometimes soccer but not that much.
who's gonna be watching the world cup