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I guess I am just lucky. Tiff is real understanding of my addiction to fish.
Does anyone else get this reaction to psuedoephidrine?
Awake, but sleepy, muscles all cramped up, no possible way to sleep, just toss and turn, sorta start to fall asleep, then wake back up. This is driving me nuts. I hate medicine.

ouch dood :(, i have never taken it but for what it sounds it's horrible.

Gabby - you must be buying the wrong kind of thongs if they feel weird. AND, you can wear them when you're pregnant...they fit perfect under the big belly. Who wants panty lines?

LMBO!!! :lol: well the whole dental floss doesn't do it for me :lol:, i can't believe you can wear them during pregnancy :shock: , but nowdays i guess you can wear anything .

Hmm nowdays i guess my favorite "professional" sport to watch and since it's now consider a sport is .... poker. I like watching the world poker tour, sometimes soccer but not that much.

who's gonna be watching the world cup:D ?
LOL!!! well i'm going with Mexico but i doubt they will win :p..... i all i want is no more brazil :p .

hmm so far the italians make the best latte :D or at least when i was livign in Vancouver Ca, i'd always go to the italian coffee places because they seriously make the best coffee, i'd easily drink 3 big ones.
Here i guess Starbucks.... i like them, they put something in your coffee so you come back again.

Same question
just tequila.... hey if i'm gonna do it, i might as well do it with something hard... but lemon has to be included :p.

same question
Vox (vodka). Although I'll settle for Chopin.

Or a good Single Malt Scotch.

Oh, uh. Same question, because I like alcohol!

I like almost everything.

My favoriate is tequilla but no salt and no lime.

Me and my fiance will get lit up on shots of tequilla and wake up the next morning without a problem. Its like the magic drink for us.

Would you ever eat one of your fish alive for $100?
nope, even if someone gave me thousands i'd still not eat my fishes... i just love them to much... now if it was somebody else's fishes then yes and i'd need lemon and salt :p :lol:

same question
hmmm donuts yummii !!!

what do you mean best club? there's the PSAS or night club? but then again they get together almost at night so :lol: .

i don't know i have never been to one in Seattle.

Same question
7 months, although I'm 2 weeks away from beating that record with my current girlfriend. :p

What's your favorite kind of sushi?

i know the answer for you Krish hmm 7 years :lol: .... or how long it's been dood? :D .
before the husband was 4 months .... for some reason i'd never last long :p :lol: .

favorite sushi is california rolls :D .

same question