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That's me:) LOL

Do i support the reason we're there....not whole heartedly...i've got my problems with it. But I will always support the troops.

Ever seen a real tornado in person?
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That's me

Do i support the reason where there....not whole heartedly...i've got my problems with it.

OMG.... Rambo just came out of the closet !!! * snap out of it Gabster snap out of it !! * :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

what was the question again? :lol: :lol: .

hmm i'd still stick to the 350Z :p but corvetts are kewl too .

same question
ohh that's not fair i like both !! :p .
hmm i guess Backyard Barbeque ... there's nothing like the smell of charcoal to make me happy.

same question
Escalade Woot! I'd have mine sittin' on dub duce spinners....j/k...woot.

Since nobody answered right the first time....

Have you ever seen a real tornado in person?
Yes, I have. While in Basic Trainning in AL, we had stopped trainning because of all the tornado warnings. As I was standing in front of a huge plate glass window in the barracks watching the storm, lo and behold, a tornado pops over a hill (they called it a mountain over there) not more than a mile away. Well, being a west coast boy, I get all excited. Meanwhile, my "Battle Buddy" is grabbing the back of my BDU's, calling me a 'dumb***' and pulls me into the bathroom where he kindly and gently tells me the rules of being anywhere near a tornado.

Next Question: Has anyone seen a waterspout in person?
hehe yeah i think for us that haven't seen a tornado would be like .... woou and non stop starring at it :p .

Next Question: Has anyone seen a waterspout in person?

ok my english is getting worse ...... what's a waterspout?
Here's a waterspout. Heck no, not in person, I'd be swimming my butt off! (well, maybe I'd be in a boat, but I'd be gettin' away from it!)

Same Q.
I've seen a few here before while out in the boat, but they were small. They say if you cut it it will go away :confused: Who's going that close to one to cut it???(LOL)

Favorite thing to put on a hamburger?