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I went in the boat and went snorkling around a reef. I added a few pics in my Bahamas thread in my signature.:)

When was the last time you had ice cream?
Boy...You don't see Ken for about 80 years and then you mention ice-cream and he pops up out of the blue!:p

Ice cream, cheese cake or apple pie and ice cream:)

same question for greedy Gabbs:p
LOL!!! i'm not greedy i swear :lol: .

apple pie :D and cheese cake but then again i like coffee cake, carrot cake, chocolate devil's hand cake, mousse, ice cream, doughnuts (speciallly crespy creams :D ) , flan, rice puddin, cookies with hot chocolate, banana break, lemon bread, cinnamon buns, apple friters, churros, crumb cake, brownies, hmm ok i better stop :D .

same q

Ken ... sheesh dood !! it's a miracle for a moment i thought your tang wasn't letting you log in :D
Same question:)
I dont like desert (bah hum bug)

*The End*

Okay you guys you win, this game is officially over! YaY everyboday for playing! Come again next time.
Jiddy - you can always unsubscribe from the thread if you don't want to keep getting updates :)

Next question...

Who wants to keep playing?
i agree with Nikki, Jiddy just unsubscribe so we don't bother you with all the updates.

i think we all wanna keep playing even the new members :p .

who's gonna go see the movie cars :D ?
(poping out of my cave)

How come ive never seen this thread before:lol:

i haven't been to the movies in years, at least for me it's not like it used to be(cost's too much, rude people ect...).

New question.

have you seen the behind the scene's of sesame street? J/K

who has paranoia? and what makes you paranoid?

for me its the smell of smoke(when i'm in the house)
Uhh yeah smoke in the house. barefoot on concrete with electricity, heights, water where I cant see the bottom, old ladies drunk on pills driving around, and lots of other stuff.
Same Q.
LMBO!!! :lol: .. ohh sesame street :lol: :lol:.
i gotta agree with Steve, old ladies drunk on pills is something :| :lol: .
Hights also is something that i can't handle :oops: ohh and roller coasters and haunted houses :p now all of those together and you'd have me freaking out.

same question
For sure the smell of something electrical or smokish...I automatically check the tank first :rolleyes:

Other freak-out things....if my daughter is quiet for an extended period....I wonder what I'll find all over the carpet lolol. Also, I agree...not being able to see the bottom of a body of water. I was teased water skiing as a everytime I fall water skiing...if I feel seaweed brush up against me I totally panic that something is going to bite me. Gotta love the older brother.

What level of sun screen do you wear? (come on...we need to protect against skin cancer)
i never used to wear it, just started to wear it on my face (spf 30). i was a sun worshipper, at the beach every chance i got, and i work construction outside, but now i keep covered up more.

SPF whatever my wife gives me...New brand:p I should be wearing it to work everyday but I don't :oops:

Most soothing...Jumping into a cool pool of water when your extremely hot or laying off in a hot tub after a long day?
Cool pool. Something about sitting in a tub full of boiling hot water just doesn't do it for me :rolleyes:

Same Q