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NaH2O said:
Wonder Woman! Kick butt little outfit, a tiara, gold bracelets that can repel bullets, the boots, and most importantly....and she could fly the invisible jet (if I remember right) on Super Friends.


Same Q

Right On Nikki !!!!!
Yep, that's me. Keeper of Peace....rope and all
. ROFL :lol: I don't think poor Lynda Carter could breathe in that outfit!

When you were little were you afraid of monsters under the bed, monsters in the closet, or ghosts?
I was afraid of the little girl from the Exorcist being under there

me too... that girl is just way to creepy.
I was also afraid of the clown from the movie IT, I always thought that he was gonna come out from the shower...... freaky clown... well monster.... ohh yeah and ghosts too .

same question
I was afraid of wonder-woman being in the closet! (kidding) Actually I've been told so many times that I look like her! YUK!

I think it was ghosts.

Do you prefer reading books (expanding your mind), watching tv (being mindlessly entertained) or chatting online (causing trouble!)?
chatting on line :p :lol: .
hmm i like the three of them, from time to time when there's nothing to do i like to read a nice book, or watching my fav. shows like House, 24, the Sopranos, sometimes i see what's on HDTV because they have kewl shows like the Ecuador and show reefs or talk about fishes and stuff.
Chatting on line.... well i dont' have any friends around the neighbourhood so i gotta bother someone and my friends on line :D :p.

same q
I like reading articles etc from sites like instead of books.

same ?
hey i see your wife joined Brenden dood .... that's really kewl :D:) .
Welcome to RF Melissa !!! .

hmm i used to look at the stars when i was a little girl but nowdays i haven't done that.

same q
yes. I also like pina coladas.

Do you own a boat. If you had it to do over would you?
(thinking of buying a boat)
What stars? I'm living in western Washington for cryin' out loud!

LMBO!!! :lol: :lol: ....she meant the starts after you get hit :p :lol: .
hehe i do like playing in the rain.... after all it's WA :p.

yes. I also like pina coladas.

LMBO!!! :lol: :lol: that's a good one :D .

No i don't own a boat and what do you mean if you had to do it all over would you? on top of that you wanna build it too :p ...... just kidding.

same q
Yes, Its a row boat that my friends and i found at the bottom of the fox river one year when it was dry out and the river was low. If i had to do it all over again i would have left that boat in the river.

Whos your favoriate band?
well i guess the Wiggles :D.
it's an Australian group of 4 guys who sing songs for kids ... so yeah that's pretty much what i hear the whole day.

same q
no, I'm not planning on going all the way to Australia or Disney world to see the wiggles sing :p, but just for you.....

same q