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NaH2O said:
This is a guess....designing a tattoo. :) Jiddy - you aren't going to let it rest are you? LOL

What Kelvin lighting do you prefer? 6500K, 10K, 14K, 15K or 20K

:lol: :badgrin: :lol: :badgrin:
Hmmm....without children...Mercedes SLR McLaren. With Children....ummm....a Cadillac Escalade with every option.

SPS, LPS, Softies, or mixed reef....which do you prefer?

Who would win this fight: A ticked off Damselfish vs. an aggressive Triggerfish
damselfish...those little S@#$%$ never die...are impossible to catch...and have 9 lives like a

nano or monster tank?
Monster... I enjoy tooo many varieties for a little Nano to do me much good! *Grinz*

Make your own, or purchase prepared foods?
lol...definately purchase. I can't even cook for myself let alone cook or prep foods for my fish and coral..hehe

dog or cat?
Its a warnin for small children whose mothers just put it in there swimmin pools but never mentioned it to them

If you could have one superpower, what would it be
Hmm that's a tough question, but I think I'd like to fly super fast. I could take vacations without having to buy plane tickets :D

If you could choose any city to live in where would it be?
Snail, because the older I get the more time I need!

If you could build a new house and get a room with unlimited space what would you do with it?
a couple little ones from IPSF, but haven't seen them since releasing into my sand... (I know, I know...sand!!)
What has been the biggest waste of money you've bought since starting this hobby?
oh and no designing last night, i was actually getting work done to myself instead... got a black tip reef shark on my that collar bone hurt!
125 Gallon all-Glass

Last Mothers day took my wife out to dinner to come hone and see the end seal on my 125 gallon tank had let go lost 75 gallons on my living room floor :mad:
That just about broke me from the hobby Instead I bought another tank :)

How many clams have you lost to pinched mantel?

jlehigh said:
Helios normal output T-5's!!!!

What is the largest volume of water you have spilled on the floor at one time?