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I haven't lost one yet. Both are - *knocking on wood* (touching wood for those from the UK) - recovering from the treatment.

Would you ever set up a mantis tank?
I would set up a mantis tank, a damsel tank, an aggressive tank Umm and as much more I could, I'd probably become single again but hey what is more important, wife or fish?

Does that count:D?
They should just make wifefish and everyone could be happy.

If you could see anyone live in concert, dead or alive, who would it be?
Gerry Garcia & the Grateful Dead (Hummmm, does this qualify as "both" Dead and alive this way?) *grinz*

When you take a vacation... "Automate, or Friends" to help with your tank???
I've had friends so far, but it's been flirting with disaster every time I come home for some reason or another?! Someday, I'd like to automate it...
Anyone else here run their tank with no sump?
I have a nano without a sump....and, Yikes, without a skimmer. Talk about flirting with disaster! lol

Is your stand DIY, or did you buy it built?
both sps and softies :)

what is the best piece of equipment you ever purchased for the tank?
Why yes I have! The famed Calfo sequined kind.

I would ask if you have ever worn ludicrous undergarments, but I don't think I want to

What is you least favorite reef aquarium pest/disease?
Zoo eating nudi's hands down. What the heck were you thinking when you decided that you are a Reefer
My father always told me that I didn't have any common sense

Is a kalk reactor a better optionthan a calcium reactor for softie keepers?
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Neither. I'd dump in a lot of aragonite sand :D

Would you pay $3000 for a fish, if you had the money?

- Ilham