IMO, the tang is too large and active to put the anthias at ease. Or so my take is.
I really think they do better in quiet tanks - don't think any gobies or dragonet would hassle them - but with a tang, dragonet, and sunburst in one tank IMO that's three special needs fish. For what my 58 seems in size - that's a tricky balancing act, one that I personally would avoid.
Just my take. I might talk a lot, but that doesn't mean I know much.
I really think they do better in quiet tanks - don't think any gobies or dragonet would hassle them - but with a tang, dragonet, and sunburst in one tank IMO that's three special needs fish. For what my 58 seems in size - that's a tricky balancing act, one that I personally would avoid.
Just my take. I might talk a lot, but that doesn't mean I know much.