Antimicrobial Resin and Fish Disease

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Feb 28, 2006
In Japan many aquarists use the ion-exchange antimicrobial resin balls absorbed iodine for treating or preventing fish diseases. They call these balls Iodine Antimicrobial Ball.

The companies which sell these balls assert that these balls can work as effective as (or more effective than) UV sterilizer or Ozonizer. They say as follows: IA Ball wears an positive (plus) electric charge. Ich’s theronts wear a negative (minus) electric charge. When Ich's theronts come in contact with these balls, ion exchange action occurs between balls and theonts. Therefore Ich’s theronts are oxidized and sterilized by isolated iodine.

Some Japanese aquarists say that they could PERFECTLY get rid of many diseases as well Ich with using these balls alone and that this method is perfectly Reef-Safe. I bought these balls and throw into the canister filter, but I felt no effects. And I found no US aquarists use such ion-exchange antimicrobial resin for treating or preventing marine diseases though this method is very popular in Japan.

Great aquarists, please show me your opinion of Iodine Antimicrobial Ball. 1) Do you know this method? 2)How do you think the effects of ion-exchange antimicrobial resin for treating or preventing various fish diseases as well Ich?. Regards,
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The idea of what you suggest in terms of <<oxidation>> seems reasonable but I don't see how it would be effective using iodine in marine aquaria utilizing this format. Given the fact that iodine is rapidly depleted in marine aquaria and most forms are negatively charged (with the exception of I2), I do not see it being any more effective than other "quick fix" products.

Can you provide a link to the literature you quoted from above?

I had not ever heard of this method. Based on what I read in your post, it sounds like the parasites have to go through the canister filter in order to be effected by the resin balls. If this is the case, then I don't see that it would be any more beneficial than using a UV sterilizer on the sytem.

I think the best way to "cure" an ich problem is to properly quarantine all fish in hyposalinity for 4-6 weeks. All new fish acquisitions would also need to go through a quarantine procedure prior to introduction to the display.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for greats aquarists

steve-s said:
The idea of what you suggest in terms of <<oxidation>> seems reasonable but I don't see how it would be effective using iodine in marine aquaria utilizing this format. Given the fact that iodine is rapidly depleted in marine aquaria and most forms are negatively charged (with the exception of I2), I do not see it being any more effective than other "quick fix" products.

Can you provide a link to the literature you quoted from above?


Thank you for great responses.
I'm Japanese aquarist. I have kept marine aquariums for about 28 years. Of course I have ever battled with Ich, Oodinium, Bacterial Infections, Lymphocystis, Benedenia, and so on. As for Ich, I have used copper sulfate or hyposalinity with QT, and had many success. Against bacterial infection, I have no hesitation in using antibiotics.

I would not rely on mystic or alternative treatment method; clams’ filteration, antimicrobial resin, garlic, and so on. But some Japanese aquarists regard me as outdated and stubborn aquarist.

I could introduce some websites of this “magical” resin ball, but they are all written in Japanese, no English. I think ion-exchange antimicrobial resin cure method is known and used only in Japan. Thanks for reading.
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delpinus - can you post the Japanese links? I found an online translator, that you enter in the web address and it translates the site for you.
delphinus said:
Dear NaH2O,
Suisui is one of the pioneers of Iodine Antimicrobial Ball (they call IOMAC).
This links to the main index. Do you have a link to the exact page(?), it would make it much easier.

This shop is one of the most famous reef-tank specialists in Japan.
From this page.....

Iodic ball:....It does not go with the decisive hit of flake illness remedy, but now I relying on, most those which are used are the iodic ball. At this store the seawater fish is being inserted in also the non vertebral tank. Especially, type and the feed く which are sensitive to water quality it is and the bad fish and the fish which is easy to fade have raised if possible with the non vertebral tank. Naturally it is not the flake illness and the case that the other sicknesses are not produced regarding these tanks. So, it is not possible blue vitriol and to insert the green F gold because, the sickness being produced it becomes, but way (expectation) it had done in natural healing. In case of the non vertebral tank when you compare with the fish private tank, it meaning that natural healing ratio is much high, whatever dropping, because among those somehow it had been settled, it continued raising in frame of mind of the abandonment, "well such a thing kana". Of course, as for first time as for type of medicine which is called to the germicidal lamp and the non vertebra harmlessness as for trial it tried doing in a general way, but which extent of the effect as for? Was. You knew that at the time of a certain it is the bactericidal effect in iodine and when it tries trying the commodity of the dubious certain corporation, in order for this to be an effect unexpectedly, you were thought. Originally as for me as for the commodity such as the flake illness remedy which in the bacterium product and the non vertebra which meaning are not understood designates harmlessness as catch phrase because it is the one which is not trusted excessively, at the store as for the display having done these commodities, positively, when selling does not do, is heard in the customer only "it is to insert it probably is better well", that it was earnest to answer. But, there to be an effect, not to be wrong from my experience in regard to this iodine, with being convinced, because now the sushi, is, as a necessity usual you have used even with the tank of the store. Simply, problem high is that price is too high to a grain of iodine. Price is high, but using those where the effect is gone for the sake of too persistently, there was also a thing which puts out the sickness after all. Then this time of cost decrease of this iodic grain was thought and by the fact that if it offers at the price which it is easy to seek raised even a little to part of the seawater fish fan, with you thought and had decided to sell.
Way way

The iodic ball iodine the ion is made to connect being something which in the ion exchange resin, when the pathogenic bacteria contact the iodic ball, iodine dissociating from the ball, oxidizes the germ and sterilizes. If the germ does not contact, as for iodine being not to dissociate, there are no times when it consumes iodine wastefully. There is no べ where iodine is consumed and knows just which easily and does high, but as a standard 500 ℓ If in the tank L-type if 50g is used, you think that about 6 month - 1 years there is an effect. If the place where the water circulates well with whatever kind of method putting wherever, it is OK. Relative importance 0 5 being to be light, you think that also it is good to float that way in the filtration tank.
When it uses with the leaf tank, it becomes also replenishment of the iodine which is easy to be lost.
(Iodic content contrast) (size)
L-type 50g1,575 Yen (including tax) 17 - 10mm
M-type 100g1,995 Yen (including tax) 14 - 6mm
S-type 20g1,995 Yen (including tax) 2 1mm or less

* Iodic content L-type equivalent of 1 is with M-type 2, but as for the surface area it meaning that M-type 2 becomes large sterilization efficiency becomes high.

* The iodic content of S-type 5 times that L-type and is powerful, but the grain is small relative importance 1 2 - 1 4 being to be heavy, like the active carbon it is wrapped with the nonwoven fabrics.

* With single item when requesting
The clo cat mail flight (postage no charge) with being to deliver, 2 - 3 days it is required.

As for the payment we ask with bank transfer.

The Japan net bank main office normally 7787784 system plan ‡ rudder @

Note: In case of correcting the correct postage (815 Yen -) catches.
I kinda get what they are going for, I just don't see it being at all effective for a parasite. As a bacterialcide, all it would do is possibley prevent new problems (if that) but it will not help/cure existing problems where fish are already affected.

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It would seem that this is nothing more than an ion exchange resin. Much like water softener resin which is charged with Na+ and Cl- ions or deionization resin which is charged with H+ and OH- ions, this resin is charged with I- ions. And, I am sure it would react and oxides parasites, but it would also react with most anything else in the water such as bacteria, dissolved organic compounds, etc. I would imagine it would give up the I- fairly quickly.
I think Steve is right. I have not seen an ion exchange resin that works more than briefly in saltwater. Interesting idea though that could be useful for freshwaer aquariums.

Terry B
Your infomations would be really appreciated.
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