apistia??? how to deal with it???

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
I didn't know were else to post
maybe its on the wrong section

Ok so today I had a buddy come over and pick up my mandaring goby.
He was looking at my tank, and told me I have apistia on my LR so me being new to sw I asked him, whats that? He told is some kind of pest :evil: and to get rid of it

I can see about 15 little apista on the rocks maybe there's more
and four of them are about and 1+ inch long
You can go out and buy Joe's Juice or get a syringe and fill it with boiling water and squirt it into them. You could also get some natural predators such as Peppermint shrimp or some Berghia Nudibranchs
I am pasting in a response that may help you that i wrote to an earlier request along the same lines. Also I have found that as i learn to use the forum search functions I often find the answer to my questions have already been answered. I am fairly new to reefing and so I have a lot of questions too, but find a lot of them have been asked before.. anyways,, her is the info...
I have noticed a number of posters touting the benefit of Aiptasia X by Red Sea. I read some things about this method that I thought I would share. I have done way to much reading on Aiptasia and will share a little of what I have gleaned so far. I am no expert and if I misspeak please don’t hesitate to correct me.
First and foremost I have learned that all methods have their pros and cons, and what works GREAT for one person doesn’t work at all for another. Also, opinions differ and while one person may post that a particular method works, someone else will tell you all the reasons not to use it. Keeping this in mind, here is what I have learned so far.

Since i originally posted this I have learned you can electrocute them as well, lol. Somebody on here built a rig for electrocuting things in his tank which targets and kills Aips and Mojanos. me? Im scared of electricity and water mixing,,

Natural predators:
Copperband or Racoon Butterflyfish: They may or may not eat the aips and some people have issues with them nibbling at corals.
Peppermint Shrimp: First only true peppermints will eat aips, and there appears to be a problem with some e-sellers selling camelbacks or other shrimp as peppermints. Peppermints will usually not go after truly large Aips, only the smaller ones. They also don’t play well with Coral Banded shrimp.
Nudibranchs, Berghia verrucicornis: Results with Nudis may not be instantaneous and reports that they do not like systems with high flow, but in general seem to be effective with few drawbacks. Cons are they are expensive and seeing as they only eat Aips, they will die once all the Aiptasia are gone. New live rock with new Aip spores will result in having to reintroduce new Nudis. Using all three of the above at once is not recommended as peppermint shrimp will eat Nudibranchs.
Other predators reported to eat Aiptasia include puffers, Queen angels, and hermits but evidence is sketchy for these.

Chemical means:
Kalk paste, Sodium Hydroxide, Joes Juice, Aiptasia-X, lemon juice, boiling water, and others. These are generally applied with a pipette or syringe and either released into the face of the Aip or injected into the stem. Good luck injecting, lol. All of these methods have their proponents, people will swear that they work great, but they also have their downsides. Most of these destroy the Oral Disc and body column but will not completely eliminate the pedal disc. The problem is that when attacked in this manner they will immediately release spores which float away and become many more Aiptasia. There are also reports that using this method is harmful to other corals nearby, and it can be hard to reach in nooks and crannies of the tank.

Keep water parameters good, phosphates low, QT everything before placing in DT including LR. Some people use an Aiptasia tank, a separate tank to move LR to while it is being treated for Aiptasia. As a last resort, take the rock out and nuke it. Bleach and a few weeks sitting in the sun will eliminate all your Aiptasia worries lol.

Bottom line is that it appears to be a matter of preference and what may work well for you may not for others. If at first you don’t succeed drop back, punt, and try another method, just give method 1 time to work before calling it quits. Good Luck and happy Reefing
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So were do I buy a hypodermic needle...sometimes they sell lemon juice in bottles should buy that or just buy the lemon and squeeze some juice out?

that Joe's Juice also sounds like a good idea
I google it and it saids it gets rid of the apistia in just minutes
Somebody on here built a rig for electrocuting things in his tank which targets and kills Aips and Mojanos. me? Im scared of electricity and water mixing,,

That would be me, but the electricity does not kill the animal. The electricity is much too weak to kill anything and is just about equivilent to a couple of flashlight batteries. What kills the animal is the fact that when you touch it with something that is producing electricity in salt water, the tissues in the animal itself produce hydrogen gas which bubble and break away from the animal there by destroying it.
I am not trying to push the device, just clarifying the principal.
OK back to animals that kill Aiptasia
Ok so I found out I have way more than I thought
I did the lemon juice thing and got all the ones I could see
this weekend I will pick up some peppermint shrimp


I bought a peppermint shrimp,from qt aquarium. He went to work on the aiptasias I had in my tank. Qt aquarium has 3 more hop on it. I was crossing my fingers,it wasn a camel back shrimp and im glad it wasnt.
With Joe's juice it goes away for a couple of days then comes back. We bought three Berghia Nudibranchs about 2 months ago and only have a few aptasias left.
I have had success with Berghia Nudibrach in my system. But as Itchys mentioned you have to be patient. I started with 3 berghia and it took about 3 months to wipe out all the aiptasia in both of my tanks. As the aipstia disappeared I sold my berghias and got my money back. I have not introduced any new LR since and still aiptasia free.
I picked up to 2 peppermint shrimp from a place for pets in Burien
and I'm still doing the boiling water thing with the syringe
I use kalk now....but was using aptasia control by blue sea or blue life....one of those 2
The problem with using the syringe method is that you have to do it every week and still you are not getting all the aiptasia because they hide in the cracks in the rock and you will be frustrated with the effort. Berghia, peppermint shrimps and copperbanded butterflys. I used a copperbanded and 3 peppermints on 100 gallon that had it bad 500 small aiptasia and several large ones in about six weeks they cleaned it up. Not all copperbandeds will eat aiptasia. I waited till i found one in a tank that was well adjusted to tank life and eating brine shrimp and it worked great. Now i have a beautiful fish and no aiptasia and also no tube worms lol . The price you pay.