Appears that anyone can post in classifieds with zero RF post count

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Smart Bass
Jun 27, 2006
Mill Creek, WA
I just checked. There are ads from folks with zero post count. If this is how its supposed to be fine. If not, might want to fix it.
I always thought it took a minimum number of posts and a certain amount of time registered here.
Apparently there are some glitches that allowed this to happen, I tried something different but only time will tell, anyone can just pm me directly and when I can I'll update the users profile to meet the requirements.

Thanks for watching out for our forum! :)
I don't know really why its that big of a deal as I've been asked to drive far and been flaked out on by way more people
with higher post counts than some of these new guys and girls with low post counts. When I posted some stuff for free
I get people asking me to drive almost to Lynwood area or meet them 1/2 way .... you get the point first off the stuff
is free and second none of these requests were from newbies with low post counts! my only issue lately has been with
the lucylong scam! LOL
I think its a good place for new people to get equipment and such that they need starting out. Maybe they should have to introduce themselves and then be approved by a mod to be able to get into the classifieds.
IDK just an idea

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I think its a good place for new people to get equipment and such that they need starting out. Maybe they should have to introduce themselves and then be approved by a mod to be able to get into the classifieds.
IDK just an idea

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That's a good point Lorie which was kinda proven by the guys that came out to get all the corals that I had up for free. They were just
starting and starting back up and we stood around for a few bs'd and they asked questions about the hobby and they got some free coral
to start out their collection. This was a good experience and would not have happened if they wouldn't have been able to get to
my classified that I had posted.
When I first joined Reef Frontiers, it was explained to me that the buying and selling area ( we call it the classifieds now) more of a privilege and that when you showed you were actually interested in sharing and learning the saltwater hobby, and that after a set amount of time and posts ( 90 days and 50 posts) it would be open to you.
With that 90 days and 50 posts, it was figured you were here to learn or help others and not just looking for a place to sell your coral and equipment or a place to buy stuff usually cheaper than the local stores.
I remember that if you didn't contribute and only came here to sell or buy you were asked to pay the same fee as the sponsors or asked to leave.
I think it is a good idea for people to have more than 10-20 lagit posts or 30 days as a member before they can use the classified. They need to show they are here for more than just unloading equipment, or looking for a great price. Most all of us would be here, Classified or no classified.
Well, there have definitely been a few glitches over the past few months and I'm sure Scott's working on them as time allows. As far as the 50 posts / 30 days of membership I totally 100% agree with and like the fact that this site is not a 'Marine Craigs List'. Hopefully everything settles out soon and we can all enjoy the very best Reefkeeping site that is in part from our great membership here.

Cheers, Todd
I also think that the classified should be limited strictly to fish stuff. I've seen computers, golf clubs and spiders listed. Just my opinion.
I've been told that some of the "0" posts classified ads are from people who were grandfathered in when the change was added. It is a minimum of 50 posts regardless of the time allowed on the forum, otherwise I would have been able to respone to ads a LONG time ago. Personally I don't care for the rule because in order to get 50 posts under my belt, it would mean, responded to various posts as " wow" "cool" "neat" and basically cluttering up the forum.

Suggestions: Why can't there be an "other" classified list for non-fish/coral/reef section? It makes the forum seem more alive and active if there are new posts on it every day.

Question: What's wrong w/ having a CL Marine Depot dump ground? I don't think RF is taking ANY repsonsibilty (nor should they) for the quality of the items being sold since it would be a HUGE liability not to meantion a reputation 'stainer'. Would it be harmful for people to post CL add that they see that forum members would benefit from? If I read where someone was looking for a special item, I saw it on CL and decided to share it on here, would that be so bad? I don't have time while at work when I do most of my surfing ( DOH! ) to skip to all the differnet websites/forums/links/blogs/social media/ etc to keep up with what is going on.

2 cents worth. :)
I've been told that some of the "0" posts classified ads are from people who were grandfathered in when the change was added. It is a minimum of 50 posts regardless of the time allowed on the forum, otherwise I would have been able to respone to ads a LONG time ago. Personally I don't care for the rule because in order to get 50 posts under my belt, it would mean, responded to various posts as " wow" "cool" "neat" and basically cluttering up the forum.

Suggestions: Why can't there be an "other" classified list for non-fish/coral/reef section? It makes the forum seem more alive and active if there are new posts on it every day.

Question: What's wrong w/ having a CL Marine Depot dump ground? I don't think RF is taking ANY repsonsibilty (nor should they) for the quality of the items being sold since it would be a HUGE liability not to meantion a reputation 'stainer'. Would it be harmful for people to post CL add that they see that forum members would benefit from? If I read where someone was looking for a special item, I saw it on CL and decided to share it on here, would that be so bad? I don't have time while at work when I do most of my surfing ( DOH! ) to skip to all the differnet websites/forums/links/blogs/social media/ etc to keep up with what is going on.

2 cents worth. :)

This isn't a place for you to come to and buy and sell your stuff.
It is a forum to come to to exchange information and to help others that need it.
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Instead of posting my thoughts on this I'll quote our User agreement, sometimes a re-fresher is good to do!
The User Agreement says is best!
vBulletin FAQ

Sponsors and 3rd party sellers (such as fellow Reef Frontiers subscribers) on this site sell their products as part of their own business or interests. Therefore members should research and verify any claims made by any seller of goods and services for their own protection. Reef Frontiers can not be held responsible for any failure, defect, inaccurate descriptions, inaccurate performance guarantees or inaccurate promises for any products or services initiated and concluded here on Reef Frontiers.

Reef Frontiers is first and foremost a Reef Discussion, Information sharing site. Reef Frontiers is not to be used as a glorified classified ad site or to be used in place of other sites such as eBay or Craig's List. As such we implement registration and post requirements in our for sale forums. The sales forums are for one purpose and one purpose only, selling personal used equipment or equipment not needed and selling fish or corals that out grown the tanks or similar reasons. Any other types of selling isn't permitted, these forums are a privilege to being a member, selling to support your tank is considered commercial and must follow the commercial policies provided.

Users will abide by the Reef Frontiers Sales policy.

1. Must be registered for at least 30 days AND
2. Must have at least 50 posts (meaning members didn't sign up just to buy and sell).

Users are not to arbitrarily make posts just to up their counts so they can post in these forums and is defined as Post Padding. Any infractions of these actions are subject for membership removal. Once criteria is met, users will be able to see and access the sales forums, until then the forums will be unavailable.

Group Buys are permitted at Reef Frontiers, only if they are being handled through a current Reef Frontiers Sponsor and must be made available to all Reef Frontier members. These Group Buys must take place within the Sponsor Forum of the participating vendor.

Reef Frontiers does not host any vendor feedback forums as they tend to spiral out of control quickly due to many different personal experiences with vendors or sponsors (or private parties) amongst the whole community. As such, it is against Reef Frontier's policy to air out one's issues about sponsors, local fish stores, or private deals which have been made or may have gone bad. We would ask all those who have issues like this or similar in nature to work these kinds of problems out in private. Reef Frontiers staff retains the right to retain or remove such posts from the general forums.
I've been told that some of the "0" posts classified ads are from people who were grandfathered in when the change was added. It is a minimum of 50 posts regardless of the time allowed on the forum, otherwise I would have been able to respone to ads a LONG time ago. Personally I don't care for the rule because in order to get 50 posts under my belt, it would mean, responded to various posts as " wow" "cool" "neat" and basically cluttering up the forum.

Suggestions: Why can't there be an "other" classified list for non-fish/coral/reef section? It makes the forum seem more alive and active if there are new posts on it every day.

Well for starters this is a discussion board created to discuss stuff about the hobby. The classified section itself was only created as an added perk to the site. IMO, if people have something else other that stuff related to the hobby they want to sell, then places like eBay and craigslist are there to accommodate them. Why clutter up a reefing forum with sections totally unrelated to the hobby?
With respect to the 30 day/50 post criteria to post in the classifieds...If a person joins just to buy and sell items, then unfortunately they joined the forum for the wrong reasons. Those caught post padding just to build up their post count can have their post count reset quite easily.

Just a few thoughts.

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i like it u get em krish. we all waited 90 days and 50 posts. if you dont do it we will be full of spammers and bots. and bringing in unrelated items ie( laptops tvs cameras and such) is asking for problems. just my 3.5 cents.