~~Aprlil 19th, Bob Moore "Pay it forward" Frag Swap~~

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For what its worth. I second that :D. Also "ALL HAIL THE MACHINE!"
FWIW.....Not to rain on a very successful PSAS meeting. :D There is a reason the board decided not to provide alcohol at it's functions. Liability! It's a huge accident waiting to happen.
Not that I'm an Attorney, I'm not! But I considered the Liability to be all mine. It was my house. I carefully considered the question for about 8 seconds and then made the decision. We didn't serve minors, and everyone behaved. I'm not going to live my life in fear. Via La Margarita Machine!
Not for sure on this but how are they Liable when its at someones house. The pesons house that its at has the Liability ?? I would think.

You beat me to it. Sorry
Many without having experienced financial liability often fear it. Without going into too much detail, financial liability AKA exposure in the absence of criminality; is directly relative to how deep one's pockets are. Companies with lots of money need to worry about exposure. A small hobbyist club with no real assets is said to be judgment proof since there is nothing of value to go after.

Margarita Machine for PSAS president!
Interesting point. But say you went into a bar and drank yourself silly, is the bar liable for you driving drunk?

Unless we were serving the kids the good stuff too I doubt we would have much to be concerned about. Then again I could be talking outta my a** too which has been known to happen :lol:
Not that I'm an Attorney, I'm not! But I considered the Liability to be all mine. It was my house. I carefully considered the question for about 8 seconds and then made the decision. We didn't serve minors, and everyone behaved. I'm not going to live my life in fear. Via La Margarita Machine!
Hey Paul,
I'm definitely not an attorney either. That was a psas event. In the event of a lawsuit a plaintiff would be looking to sue anyone and any thing he or she could. Including any board member. What you do in your house is your business but I don't believe this was your sole responsibility since the club was involved. Just sayin.
I dont see the problem myself,
I mean anyone could have brought their own drinks any ways (and they did)

not an attorney but....

There is no problem until there is a lawsuit. Then who is responsible?

My understanding is that in the event something happened it is no different than if he had a regular party so his homeowners insurance would be up to bat and unless neglegance was proven such as asking a druink person to go get more booz or serving to a minor I don't think there is much of a leg to stand on other than going to his insurance... Besides if someone got hurt we would just feed them to the fish anyhow then wala no problemo :)
Hey lets just call it the Reef Frontiers monthly margarita madness! What do ya think Chuck?.........Seriously though how many buisnessess serve alcohol at company functions any more? None that I know of. A private party can do as they wish but as a club I think more than the server are liable. Be nice if we did have an attorney's imput.
I am not an attourney, but my parents have owned a liquor store for 11 years and since it is state controlled they have to be up to date with all the states drinking rules.

No matter WHERE you drink, the person owning the place is liable. If there is a big under age party, it is not the people that set up the party, but the parents that own the house.

nteresting point. But say you went into a bar and drank yourself silly, is the bar liable for you driving drunk?

This is true, if you are that drunk than the bar would have to find a ride for you so you dont go kill somebody....


No matter WHERE you drink, the person owning the place is liable. If there is a big under age party, it is not the people that set up the party, but the parents that own the house.

Does that mean if we had the machine at BCC the college would be liable? JK. I dont think that having drinks at every meeting is suitable. For instance, anytime we have a guest speaker. Whos to say they arent a recovering alcoholic. Or a bunch of the PSAS members for that matter.
Theres a time and place for everything. The club didnt provide the machine. The club didnt pay for the magaraitas. Alot of people seemed to enjoy it. Maybe we should just leave it at that.
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When the event is at a private home it is up to the host to allow alcohol or not. The Board simply decided that the club cannot contribute funds for alcoholic beverages. Since most of our meetings are held at stores or schools, no alcohol is a no-brainer. I think people are marinating over this way too much. Remimber, this was a Tribute to a great person with a great legacy to leave us "Pay it Forward". I hope that this Frag swap was the first to start an annual tradition with the PSAS. I know it brought me back to realize why the PSAS is here and all the good that can come from it and its members.
Randy well put. I look forward to reach the long life of 80yrs old in a wheel chair,cane etc LOL. It will be a story I will tell and remember for the rest of my life. The day I went to this guy FRAGMANS house in Tribute to the GREAT BOB MORE Pay It Forward party.
Man-O-Man what a night.
The only thing I would change about that night would be trade all you in for 20min of one on one with bob to talk reefing. Sorry no pun intended. I just fill I missed out on something :(.
I hope that this Frag swap was the first to start an annual tradition with the PSAS.

Why not bi-annual? Then you can pick up all the schedule conflicts on the second event. It can happen as often as there are willing hosts, right?
Me thinks we already do two swap meets a year. The question is if we will dedicate one to Bob and change the format a bit to suit the occasion.

Steven11 for PSAS president!
It can happen as often as there are willing hosts, right?

Willing hosts is the key. I wasn't able to attend this frag swap, but I remember very successful (and well-attended) ones in the past. Most of them were at Salsaking's factory, but there were also one or two that I attended at Fragman's. This is not the kind of event I would want to ask a person to host more than once every year or two. But with great, generous people in the club who just happen to have a lot of space and/or willing spouses, I think twice a year would be an admirable goal.

In looking forward to the next one, I have taken a small frag off of my B. merleti. Should be a decent frag/small colony by next fall.
I think the annual "Bob Moore" frag swap should stay annual and have a different agenda then any other frag swaps. I encourage any new members to ask around to find out what Bob was all about. As far as i understand it, that is what this club was built on.

To all of the old schoolers (and i mean that respectfully) that new him personaly, is there a month that would more fitting for this event.