aquariums in upstairs apartments

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Im takeing a stuctural welding class, and ill tell ya something compareing the building code in CA to an older building in Ct is not healthy.

you guys got buildings that can weight 150Kton and sway 11 and half feet.

yep..... forgot what that word is, but when i remember ill tell ya
i agree, get renters insurance AND permission for the tank in writing!![/QUOTE]

I agree with this one
well the first few replies made it sound like it would be no I went out this afternoon and ordered the tank. Now you guys are giving me serious doubts haha. I guess I will talk to them tomorrow and see if I can get anything in writing. If they dont agree to it, there maybe a brand new 75 gallon tank/stand in the for sale forum :eek:
Will renter's insurance cover aquariums?

I've heard mixed opinions on that and homeowner's.

well great news, I took everyones advice and asked for permission in writing and they said no problem, they well drop it off at my apt tomorrow. So no worries now...I should be covered:)
Heck no 750lbs is not bad, They have people out there living in Apts that big.

I doubt that 750-pound people live in UPSTAIRS apartments :lol:

I agree, though, if two or three hefty people stand next to each other, that could equal 750 lbs. But with canopy, stand, other equipment the tank will probably weigh over 1000 lbs. That's four hefty people.
you must realize water only weighs 8.5lbs per gallon. The 10lbs/gal approximation typically accounts for what you are talking about. :)
stud finder??? or hire a pro ....*krish?? i think not. * lol

Just saw this(LOL) My wife is a good stud finder... She found me:p

lol im sure krish wouldnt mind, it just a short flight to Orlando

Hey man...I spend a week in Orlando atleast twice a year!!! I'm heading up there in June!:D
You guys worry too much. I'm a general contractor and have never given it a second thought about putting my tanks where ever I wanted. My last house was a 1936 in earthquake country with a floor that had over two inches of hump in the middle due to settling. Boy was that tank out of level! It didnt slow me down a bit. Maybe Im just a rebel.
yea, I already bought the tank and im gonna just do it. Now on to the next step, building a sump/refugium:p
There are some goos suggestions here, but IMO a 75 gallon tank is not going to be a problem regardless of where you put it.
If the apartment manager/owner is not concerned, I wouldn't be. I'm sure it's not the first time they had a renter with a tank, and if it were an issue they'd say so. We've never cared where we put out tanks either, in any of our houses and never had an issue. We're rebels too. :)